Pairing: none
Length: ~4,200
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author Website:
Drinking 'n Fighting :: BMPWhy this must be read:
The relationship between Chris Larabee, the leader of The Seven, and Buck Wilmington, his oldest friend, was a focus of The Magnificent Seven, and has generated some good fic. Theirs is not an easy relationship: their temperaments are very different, and a night of Chris indulging Buck's taste for partying played a role in the death of Chris's wife and son. So there's some baggage, and Chris Larabee hasn't heard of checked luggage.
But their lives orbit each other's. And nobody knows Chris as well as Buck does.
In this story, a missing scene to "Obsession," the final episode of the series, Buck contemplates the events of the previous days, how things went so very wrong, and how they were doomed to do so.
A snippet:
Beside the fire, Buck nearly snorted at that, wishing for another whiskey bottle. Surely Chris Larabee, "the bad element" had walked enough on the dark side to be wiser for it. Surely any faith in mankind that Chris had had was long dead and buried. No, Chris let himself be blindsided, plain and simple. Taken in by long lashes, a warm and willing body, and the comfort of old acquaintance. By flattery. And by his own dreams handed to him on a silver platter.
Blood Money