Jul 19, 2006 01:28
Since I'm still awake tonight, why not talk about the weekend real quick?? I'm sure no one will mind since this is MY journal. ~LOL~
OH... have to start with the bad actually. Friday was a pretty fucked up day. At like 6:30am, a water main right by house just totally broke. That means no water at my house at all. That was not a fun thing at all. But thankfully, Brandi covered for me at work and I got the day off. And we did end up getting the water back by like 2 or 3. Plus, Stephen did take me out to dinner when he got over. (actually was over early since he left work early) So I guess all in all, Friday wasn't too bad... just started out in a bad way.
Saturday was kind of cool. Well, it was hotter than hell out... ~L~ but I had fun. Stephen and I hung out at my cousin Kari's grad party for awhile. The best part of that was finding out that Halei has a new tattoo. She was tryin to keep it all quiet, but because of Mom, the whole family got to see it. After the party, Stephen and I were invited to another one... but we went and saw 'Pirates 2' instead. I'd say that was a MUCH better choice.
I was supposed to go to another party Sunday... but Stephen and I just really couldn't make it. Instead, got to spend the day with family. That's pretty normal though.
But now for this week. Heidi started a new job. That's cool... except I've got to get up at like 6:20 every day to take her in. That's SO not cool. And things at work have been fucked up so. This week isn't starting all that great. And I'm sure something else this week will be bad too. But what can ya do??
What can I do?? How about go get some sleep?? ~L~ I'm just dead tired and need the rest since now only am I taking Heidi to work at 6:30, I've got to be back up for when some stupid repair guys come. Lucky me.