(no subject)

Mar 10, 2008 10:02

This last week was the best spring break ever :]

Monday, March 3.
I went over Max's apartment around 10 and we had such a good time. There weren't a lot of people over at all, so it was really relaxing. Nick, Vargo, and Freyja were over along with George and Dalton. I stayed until about 2. The apartment is such a nice place to be when nothing is going on :]

And HAPPY CASIMIR PULASKI DAY! We forgot to celebrate :[

Tuesday, March 4.

Kristen went to school!!

After school, I hung out with Kristen for a little bit, and then Jade called! We picked her up, and went to Body Revolutions downtown. What's up, most painful experience of my life thus far? Everyone there was so nice though :D We should just start going there to hang out with the workers, who needs body mods anyway?

The roads were slightly treacherous after continuous heavy snowfall for three hours, so it took us ~45 minutes to get from downtown to Westlake on Lorain. What a joke!

Wednesday, March 5.
Kristen didn't go to school!!
Haay snow day.

Wednesday was pretty okay for the most part. Max came over and we went to My Mind's Eye to get Kristen her birthday present! Then we hung out with Kristen and Zack for the first time in forever, and it was nice getting that group together again. However, Max was having a really tough time (paying bills, rent, flat, lost debit card, etc...) so it wasn't easy cheering him up :[. I felt so bad; it seems that nothing ever works out for Max lately, but there's not a whole lot anyone can do about it. Needless to say, he was extremely fed up and was pretty down for the majority of Wednesday.

We drove around and got as much finished for Max as we could (going to a couple banks, Tri C...). After that, we went back to my house, and, because all four of us were hungry and flat broke, we scavenged up enough change to buy 4 two topping burritos at Chipotle. Haha, we're addicted.

Later, we dropped Zack off and went back to Max's to watch Fight Club! It was soo much better than I thought it'd be ! Kristen and I went home around 2.

And Max is the sweetest boy in the whole world!

Thursday, March -9- 6.

Now that she's legal, we smoked cigarettes and watched porn all day!

And by that I mean Kristen didn't go to school that day! She came over and I gave her her present, and then Chris called! We went to the vet with him to get bb Bjorn and he slobbered everywhere. Bjorn, I mean. Not Chris. We listened to Arabic music and sang along!

After that, Kristen and I went back to Body Revolutions ;]. We talked about Rocko's Modern Life with the cutie-not-Matt-Damon-look-alike. Kristen got a call from her mom and it was only us and three of the workers in the room and you hear Kristen go, "Hey Mom." *pause* "Oh, I'm at Lauren's." and everyone laughed at her. It was cute.

After Kristen was "reborn", she went out to eat with her family and then called me back. We went to Mike Ruane's house for a couple hours! And then went home.

Friday, March 7.
Yes, Kristen DID go to school that day! By the end of the week, she was 2 for 5! That's 40%! Good job :D!

We hung out at my house all day I think. Jade came over first and we played Guitar Hero for a bit. Then Kristen showed up, and then Chris and Marco. We did laundry (such a fun activity!) and watched YouTube videos and talked and waited for Scott to show up... FOUR HOURS LATE. Totally unacceptable. Haha, he was in the car for 7 hours; ¡qué lástima! The roads were so bad though.

We stayed at my house for a bit, talked, ate dinner, then went to Chris's and met up with Alyssa! We sat around his family room, talked, watched YouTube videos... woah. De ja vu. Haha, we went in his basement and played charades, talked some more, laughed too much, played guitar and Big Booty, watched Arrested Development, and oh my gosh, it was such a great night! It was perfect :]!

Saturday, March 8.
We definitely made plans to hang out and go to Cici's that day, but over the course of the night, we got about 18 inches of snow, so everything was kind of... ruined. And my cold was at its worst (by the way, I had a cold since Tuesday ish). Scott and I cried all morning. Haha, maybe not, but we were pretty disappointed... UNTIL CHRIS CALLED and offered to pick us up to build a snow fort in his yard! Hooray for 4 wheel drive!

First he picked up Kristen and then me and Scott around 3ish. We went out in his backyard, realized the snow wasn't prime for packing, abandoned the snow fort idea, and played in the snow instead (we're all 17-19! It's totally normal!). Then Marco came outside and we tried to build the fort, but it took too long and Kristen and I were cold and Bjorn tackled one-armed Jacob, so we just went inside.

We had hot chocolate, Marco serenaded everyone, and we found out what "vixen" meant in Swiss-German! Then we went in the library since it was much warmer than the living room and we watched Family Guy for an eternity, ate dinner, sang happy birthday to Chris's dad, watched About a Boy and a few episodes of the Sarah Silverman show! What started off as a terrible day turned out to be one of the best days of my spring break :] <3

Sunday, March 9.
Scott and I went to Kristen's house in the early afternoon! We hung out in her room and talked and listened to music. It was simple but really great. When Max called back, we went to his apartment and hung out for a couple hours maybe. He was really really sick so we didn't stay too long :[ My poor Maxwell! I wish there were more I could've done for him.

Scott, Kristen, and I went back to my house, packed my stuff, did some laundry, talked to Chris on video chat, found out that if you whistle on video chat it makes a horror movie-esque screaming noise, talked with JP for a couple minutes, Scott and Kristen hacer amored in my cama, and then Scott and I left for BG :[.

We had such a good ride back! I drove!, and we had a good talk and listened to music that could make us cry because it's so good and tried to think of excuses to go back to Westlake once we were there.

"I think I left my room key and PED at home... we have to go back."
"The car's locked?? I left my car keys at your house, we have to turn around!"

I love my life!

My bb is the cutest ever :D

PARTY IN MY BED! What else is new?

Rockin' out


There was a drought at Chris's house...

Hangin out with Chris

Hangin out with Chris and Marco like usual
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