(no subject)

Mar 03, 2008 21:16

Thursday, February 28.

Yeah, I didn't do a whole lot on Thursday... had my portfolio review for 2D Foundations, and I have a B in the class :]. He kept saying, "You're capable of an A" but oh my gosh, I work so hard as is! I don't have time for this!

Friday, February 29.
ONE CLASS! English and Chorus were canceled, so I only had Spanish at 8:30, yuck.

I packed and then Scott and I headed to Westlake! We got in around 3, hung out at my house, Kristen came over, we got Jade, drove to Strongsville to get Sarah, and then we went back to my house to eat dinner! Max came over too. Then we went to Mara's house and met up with Chris, Marco, Lexy, Mara, and Lee! Sarah, Kristen, Scott, and I went up to Blockbuster to rent a movie (Camp Daze), and just our luck, they didn't have it. We found a movie we DID want to rent, then found out we couldn't rent it becuase none of us were members. Ugh. Then all the workers FORCED us to buy some movies, but we refused and left promptly.

Back at Mara's, we played foozball, pool, Rock Band, and Scott and Chris discovered they could jump through their arms and Scott could jump through his leg! We watched part of the Newsies and everyone fell asleep.

After Kristen, Scott and I dropped Sarah and Jade off, I fell asleep at the wheel 3 times. Oops! At least Scott was asleep in the back so he didn't know!

Sorry Kristen!

Saturday, March 1.
Scott, Kristen, and I went to the Metroparks :]. It was fun, but really really cold. All our socks were soaked! We visited Max at his apartment too. Scott discovered that he was connected to Nick and Vargo, haha. He saw Nick play on Warped Tour two or three years ago, and Vargo has a trailer in Scott's town! Weird!

Later, the three of us went to Lake Erie and had an arctic adventure. That was a lot of fun!

We got back to my house and had to stall Kristen for a good... 3 hours because of her SURPRISE birthday party! Haha, I FORCED her to go to her house because we were "meeting Jenn and Alexis there" and Kristen was sad because she didn't want to hang out at her house at all.

When we got to Kristen's, she was SO confused because there were a ton of cars there. Oh geez, it was funny listening to her try and figure out why everyone was there.

When we were inside, everyone shouted "SURPRISE!" and Kristen was even more confused! She's like, "DID YOU KNOW THE WHOLE TIME?!?!?"


The party was a whole lot of fun! We hung out with Alexis, Jenn, Alyssa, Chris, Marco, Frankie, Alex, Sam, Jeremy, Jasmine, Marty, Emily, Rabatsky, and probably a couple others that I'm forgetting about. But anyhow, it was so much fun <3

Sunday, March 2.

Scott left my house in the morning! Max and I hung out around 5. He took me out to Olive Garden for dinner which was really nice and then he surprised me and took me to the JCP parking lot where we had our first kiss <3

We got back to his apartment for some "us" time, but that didn't work out so well. There were a ton of people over the apartment (like usual) so we didn't really do much. We left around 10:15 ish and he was just going to drop me off at home. Maxwell ended up coming inside and we hung out until 2.

Even though like.. NOTHING went according to plan and the day had its rough spots, it was still really great spending time with Max. Aw, I love him so so much :]

Monday, March 3.
I woke up at noon! I did laundry, played piano, played Guitar Hero (alone, haha, I'm so cool), did the dishes, then went on a bike ride with Kristen!! We went to World Market and then Panera to study her spanish. It was like 63 today, and it was a lot of fun riding bikes with Kristen! Max was at the bank when he randomly decided to call me which is right by Panera, so he stopped in and hung out for a couple minutes before he had work!

Kristen and I then decided we wanted to go see the free Arcade Fire show downtown. We used her bimbo GPS system. The first time it started talking I freaked out and shouted, 'OH MY GOD, I THOUGHT WE WERE CRASHING!!" Oh geez!

We got to the Beachland Ballroom and it was absoloutly packed. Besides, it was 18 and over and Kristen isn't 18 for another 3 days!

So we decided to go to Coventry instead. Then we decided not to once we got there, haha. So we tried to find My Mind's Eye in Lakewood and had the hardest time ever! BUT it was right by Angelo's and Kristen wouldn't stop talking about pizza!

Hahaha we had way too much fun <3

We got back to my house, ate dinner, and then she left. I'm going to Max's apartment right now, so that should be fun!

Goodnight !
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