(no subject)

Feb 17, 2008 17:11

Friday, February 8.
Maxwell and I went home! We left around 1:30 and had a very nice ride home :]. After Max dropped me off, he had to go to work. Afterwards, I hung out with Kristen, but I don't remember what we did.

Saturday, February 9.
Kristen and I went out and got a couple job applications! Then we went over Travis's and didn't do much of anything for a while... besides take shoe baths. Then we got in Kristen's car and drove through the Metroparks and Travis yelled at the people who were walking or jogging.

After that, we went to the skatepark! We met Max, Charlie, and some of his friends up there. A little while later, it started to get dark and cold, so Kristen and I went back to her house so she get ready for her soccer game. We stopped at the apartment and picked up Max and Amanda and went to Kristen's soccer game! Amanda was the soccer mom! Kristen's team lost :'(

We went back to the apartment and Kristen took a 20 minute nap, forgot where she was, wouldn't stop talking, and her brain floated out of her head. She and Max were weight watchers experts and gave me 1/4 of an Oreo. Then Kristen stole two of my Oreos and I whined about it for the rest of the night!

Sunday, February 10.
Kristen came over in the morning and we went to Plato's Closet and I bought jeans! We went back to my house and sat on my couch for like... ever and talked about things that were real and fake, time, religion, science, music... then Max came over! I asked him some questions like if time was real and he thought that Kristen and I had totally lost our minds! So we went to Chipotle! We saw Chris and Ryanna up there and ate with them. Max fell in love with Chris's shoes!

THEN Max drove me back to BG!

Monday, February 11 -Thursday, February 14.
eat, homework, class, eat, homework, class, rec, shower, repeat.

Friday, February 15.
I hung out with Sarah when classes were over! It was fun becuase I haven't seen her at all this semester pretty much. We talked, listened to music, watched youtube videos, got Chipotle (I ordered a two side burrito and the people looked at me like I had lost all my marbles...), and then went back to her room and took really weird pictures, haha.

We went to Clayton's room and met up with Clayton, Nick, and JP. Sarah got sick so she went back to her room :[. So the four of us drove around and had a fun night... :]. We got food, went to the kitchenette in Offenhauer and hung out in there forever, then went back up to Clayton's room. JP left and Nick and I slept over.

Saturday, February 16.
Nick and I walked back to Harshman around 11:30. I got breakfast with Sarah and then I met up again with Nick and Clayton around 3ish. Sarah went back to her room to do homework and Nick, Clayton and I went out on a picture taking excursion!

We found this abandoned house in Perrysburg, so we went inside and took 283480 pictures! It was awesome becuase everything was so old! There was an old piano that didn't even work, a dress still hanging on its hanger, newspapers from 1961, a check that wasn't cashed, old clothes that had just been abandoned with a laundry basket still on top of them... it was so neat :]!! It was freezing though, oh my gosh. After maybe an hour and a half in the house and the barn, we went to another abandoned house up the street, but it smelled like dead people so we didn't go in.

We went back to BG and picked up Scott and proceeded to have another great night. We ended up getting lost somewhere east of Perrysburg and we had no idea how to get back. We stopped at McDonalds and ate fries... I like... forgot where we were and I was like, "Guys, let's go to the Sundial." and they all busted out laughing and Clayton goes, 'LAUREN!! Do you know where the FUCK we are/!??!" Hahaha oh my gosh, how embarassing.

WELL the good news is we eventually found our way back to BG! We went to Clayton's room, Scott left, we watched Chicago, and then we went back to Harshman. I passed out at like midnight and got up at 11:30!

Sunday, February 17.
Went to the rec with Scott, got breakfast, and then I've done pretty much nothing since then!
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