(no subject)

Feb 07, 2008 13:20

Wednesday, February 6.
I went to the rec and ate dinner with Scott and did homework during any and all of my free time. I <3 college??

Oh yeah, and I talked to Mom about the whole photography major thing, and she said if I wanted to do that to either double major or minor because photography is such a hard field to get into... which I knew, but still. I mean, you can do anything pretty much with a degree as long as you have one.

And here's something fun: when I got back from the rec last night, I went to take a shower. I left my door unlocked because I always do because no one is ever in my hall. While I was in the shower, my RA BROKE INTO MY ROOM to do the fire safety check and just to be a whore, she locked my door when obviously I didn't have my keys because they were RIGHT on the desk. Honestly. So I got back to my room and I had Hayley get a lockout key for me while I hung out in the hallway in my towl. How classy! Then on my desk I had a friendly reminder from Becky saying, "Move the stuff from the other desk and closet within 48 hours - I'll be back to check!" Seriously, I dont' have a roommate, you can't really believe that I'll only use the half of the room I'm paying for.

...good thing she didn't check the drawers... I'm using those too!

Thursday, February 7.
Haha okay, so Tuesday night, I didn't sleep at all. I got maybe an hour of sleep and I got out of bed and did homework from 5:30 AM until 8 when I got ready for my 8:30 class. I took a 45 minute nap, and the rest of Wednesday was pretty full, so naturally I was EXHAUSTED.

I got to bed Wednesday at a decent hour, around midnight I think, and I had to get up at 7:30 for class. I figured that would be enough sleep, right?


Frickin 2:38 in the morning, the fire alarm goes off and everyone had to evacuate the building. Are you kidding me. So we all got to stand outside in the snow in our PJs... real great! AHH I hate BG sometimes!

But Max is coming up tonight!! :D Can't wait to see him!
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