Nov 08, 2004 14:00
hello journal. ok so time to summarize stuff of the weekend. Friday i worked @ acme as a cashier...which will be becoming more and more popular to the scheduelers seeings as i was told by a source that i am being excommunicated from the front b/c of my busy schedule. YAY!! no more unhappy people...or at least not as much...but boo no more film developing...oh well...saturday started with a reunion @ happy harry's as i made my unofficial return. 9-2 then acme'd it 315-715...horaay for making money! then i came home and chilled with my family for a bit. it was great times...i love going home and being in my environment...i got another payment due for the loan again so there goes another $150 ill have to write out next week...then i decided to go to the movies with lisa and see a shark's was quite funny and we laughed...i hit my head a lot that day...ask me for the stories when u see me in satruday was def. full of work and fun and i declared it my fav. day of the week. Sunday i got up, tlaked to the family and realived i have no idea what i want for christmas....think mike think!!! that new jacket is still looking pretty nice, but i dont know yet...before i left, the family headed out to ST. marks high school to go to an open house...thats right folks...a husni might be going to a catholic school...but not for the catholic religion, but for the BASEBALL religion...we're trying to get eric in on scholarships etc. i like the idea that eric might be in a good baseball program, but i hate that fact that my family might be using the private school vouchers...i hate then i came back up to the univ. and did some work, went to dinner @ kent w/ veronica and then to the rsa meeting...on the way back, veronica and i decided that we were going to become progressively more preppy every meeting...and by the time we were done we'd wear the same clothes and do cartwheels and our "hooty hooty hooo" chant everytime anyone says the word "gilbert." absolutlely halarious...then we went to the library and did some research and studying etc. unfortunately, i had to leave to work on my spansih presentation and luckily veronica DID make it out of the library before the apocalypse. pshooo. now all i have left today is to go to spanish 326 and laugh for unknown reason with holly...omgosh this groupwork will be the end of me...good luck to everyone with a test or presentation!!! later dayz...