Sep 06, 2004 15:08
Well camping was a great experience but again it was horrible. Here i will tell u the whole story. from the very beginning. Well i decided to go camping with my cuzions up at silver lake. (no clue where its at) Anyways it was me, my cuzions steph and eric, Ry (sexi beast), kate and kates parents and so on and so forth. i had seen ry before but i had never really talked to him so i decided this might be a good place to get to kno him as much as i can. Well it all started out good i was having fun. Me and kate were going with our compition to get ry too like us. but kates ffreshman and im sophmore so she thought i had an advantage. kate was trying to impress him every moment she got the chance. me on the other hand was just being myself. when he flirted with me i flirted back but i didnt go out of my way. kate decided to give up cause she could tell we were like totally hitting it off.:) i loved getting like teased about every little thing and all that fun stuff that guys do. i havent had that in a while. :( anyways i got to kiss him and like i grabbed his ass and just having fun. then it got bad. we decided to play "super heros" and these to sluts were all over ry with their cottage cheese and jello butts. *gross* yea ry started ignoring me and hanging with them. i found out later that he was makeing out with one of them which like totally broke my heart. so i went into a jealously slash childish state. i was plotting to kill them when i decided it might be easier just to kill myself. fthen it wouldnt be my problem cause no one cared anyways. so i locked myself in a bear box. u kno the ones u store ur food in. yea i told everyone i was going to starve myself to death. well steph and kate got worried and went and got ry and eric. i cussed them out and stayed in the box. i said they were assholes and i never wanted to talk to them again. thats when it got even worse. i started to get really dizzy and i was getting short of breathge a little so i lost my grip on the handle and the got it open. i got in a fist fight with kate. then i couldnt breathe even worse so i decided to leave everyone and go for a walk but before i could leave steph notced i was turning blue. i amanda had my first asthma attack. i could have died like i wanted too. ofcourse the sluts thought it was hilarios. a lady on are way back to camp saw that i couldnt breathe and asked if i wanted to use her inhaler. which helped. we got back to camp and i got bitched at for the whole thing. which made me feel like crap so i cryed again, for the 2nd time that day. later that night i noticed how childish i acted and appaulagized to everyone. which made me feel much better. but then like ry suprised me majorly. he told me the gurl he was making out withs name was amanda too. and i like was all sort of mad about that cause i wish it was me and stuff, but it turned into a big joke for the rest of the night. ry kept saying i made out with amanda and make the noise of liek slaping a cottage cheese butt. then he totally agreed with me that they were ugly and i was liek i dont have a butt like that right? he said no and that he was glad and i said me too :) he noticed my butt! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! yea so i put up with hes teasing again. i heard a-man-duh for the rest of our camping trip. but it was ok. i wish we were staying there longer i would have totally made out with him or something. but sadly we had too go. :( maybe another time he doesnt live that far away only like a 10 minute walk :) so maybe we will end up going out. maybe? me with a senior. a very sexi and smart senoir. i like the sound of that :)