
Another long day

Oct 19, 2005 06:10

I got to work yesterday at 05.30 and worked until 16.30. On the upside, I was focused and felt like I got a lot done. On the downside, I'm tired and the ToDo list continues to grow.

I did get my tickets booked for Thanksgiving. I checked out Southwest to either Kansas City or Omaha and it was in excess of $400. After that, I'd still have to rent a car and drive for hours. The flights to Omaha were via MDW which extended the length of the trip. So I used some frequent flier miles and booked on Continental direct to FSD. My little sis and Mom won't get the pleasure of my company driving up but this is much more straightforward to me.

Justin Lee has a small piece of Dr. Phil today but I don't think I can get home by 15.00 to watch it. Darn.

The company lgbt organisation has a luncheon today that I'll be attending. I dressed up in a pair of dark, pinstripe dress slacks and a Pierre Cardin shirt. Those who know me know that's really out of charcter. I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda guy. Polo shirts and Dockers are dress up for me.

Still processing Saturday. I got a solicitous note from someone at church who is aware. I appreciated that. Still going through moments of anger. I headed to band practice last night and stopped off at the Starbucks on Echo Lane to pick up a frap as I was seriously lacking in energy. I was standing there preparing to order, oblivious to my surroundings, savoring my anger and feelings of self-pity when a lady behind me touched me on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for sharing your faith journey Saturday. It meant a lot to me." I didn't recognise her but then MercyStreet runs from 350-500 on a Saturday night so there's lots of people I don't know. I was glad that I wasn't acting an ass at the moment.

Walking into the building for band practice, I ran into a fellow singer, Deb, in the parking lot. We stopped for a cigarette before going in and sat down and got acquainted better. She's fairly new to the band. She asked, "How about that Astro's game last night?" I confessed that I hadn't watched it and was preoccupied with other things and she looked at me and asked, "Are you gay?" I answered to the affirmative and she took it in stride and offered the observation that she thought there were probably lots of gay people at the church. She apparently has good gaydar.


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