I am the destroyer of THUMBS!
Actually, I think it was an index finger, but regardless, the lesson was learned today that rules-less faux sword fighting is bad for fingers when I smacked
cybervirus' finger with a boffing stick. I lacked control. I am ashamed. ::loses face:: Needless to say, swelling and emergency room hijinks ensued. Fortunately, it was just a sprain or a bruise or contusion or somesuch (The doctors in Santa Clara scoff upon exact diagnoses) and the finger yet survives.
Also: While waiting, the question was raised... what's the etiquette on talking to girls in the emergency room? Cause, like, it's a public place and wherein talking can and does occur, but on the other hand, she could also be like "my (insert relation here) is dying in there!" ...so you know... not so tactful. There should be rulebooks for these things like they had in Europeland in the way-back-when.
And now
for something completely different:
Category X - The
Witty, amusing and a bit weird, you're welcomed
into most social groups, even though you don't
'fit in' perfectly .
What Type of Social Entity are You? brought to you by
Quizilla Just keep the cold iron away.