Jul 29, 2004 21:03
You know, as a kid, all my toys and half my clothes were hand me downs cause that's what people did in po' third world countries... and I used to kinda resent that when reminiscing of youth with my friends cause I would hear tell of them getting brand new swag and clothes that didn't used to belong to your older brother and new fangled gadgets on which you could play games of the video nature, but dudes, the Indonesian mentality of giving old shit to your younger siblings totally rocks when this younger sibling is about to move out and my brother and my sister are like "here, have my old (insert useful instrument of living here)." In droves.
Speaking of moving out, I found a place that was portrayed in the ad as a joyous place made of radness. I think tomorrow I will confirm this portrayal.
And now for something completely different: The mind flayers who run the cable company has kickstarted the thingamabob that makes cable go 'round these parts and imbued it with goodness (now that I'm less than a month away from moving out... PUNCHES TO ALL!) and so we now get Comedy Central and the History Channel and Sci Fi and whatnot. And by whatnot, I mean Fox News, so today I got to hear about how the DNC delegates were brought together by hate, namely the hate of president Bush, not for a love of Kerry as proper politicos should be brought together, because you know, the Kerry camp didn't just spend the entire week Nazi-ing up the other speakers making sure that the convention would be a no negative attacks we're all one america love fest... Oh expanded channel selection, how I have missed thee.