(no subject)

Sep 27, 2006 09:13

Alright...I haven't written in forever.

Life is a bit overwhelming right now. Sometimes I just feel like it is gonna drag me down. I get up in the morning on Monday and am in class till 5. I have a lab on Monday and the report is due on Wed. So any free time Mon/Tues night usually goes to that among other things. Tuesday and Thursday I am Oakland and work until 6. On Wed. and Fri, I'm at work till 6, and those are my easy days. I survived one test. This week I have another, probably worse. Life is crazy.

Well, I had an interesting experience among other things last weekend.

I went running 13 miles to see Teresa at work (I ran from Lake Orion by the mall to downtown R-chester). Anyhow I had my cell phone on me and it started raining. So the phone gets a tiny bit wet and it starts acting like keys are being pressed. Then it starts shutting down. Then finally it goes to this blue screen that says "Emergency down load in progress."

So the same thing had happened to Tessa's phone when she dropped it in the bathtub and Verizon wouldn't replace hers, so I'm like what do I have to lose, I'll take it apart. So I take it apart and wipe it off, clean out some dust, and turn it back on, still apart. It turns on! So I put the keypad back on, screw it back together, turn it on again. It turns on and works fine!

My current theory is that its some sort of scam where they make the phones error out if they have sensed the tiniest bit of water and that I reset it somehow. Its just too bizarre that it suddenly starts working. Okay, yes that is a bit conspiracy theorish, but your phone should not get a blue screen of death and a voided warranty from a few minutes of rain.

This weekend we went to the Toledo zoo. We saw my dad's friend from California whom we haven't seen since I was sick. That was fun. The zoo was pretty sweet. I particularly liked the orangutans, the hellbender, the electric eel, the pacus, the voracious waterbug, and the stick insects, oh yea and the mist frogs. I'm a dork. I have an inner zoologist in me I suppose.

So yea, will Jason crack under the pressure?? Stay tuned and find out!

Till then.

Sincerely Me.
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