(no subject)

Sep 11, 2006 16:18

Well today is the fifth anniversary of September 11th, 2001.

It is truly sad what happened on this day 5 years ago.

What is even sadder is that the man who orchestrated these murders is still at large Osama Bin Laden.

As people think back to 9-11 and think about National Security, remember this... George Bush's leadership has allowed this killer to slip away. This is the REALITY of the Republican party actions concerning national security.

It simply astounds me that people when poled give the Republicans better ratings on national security.

They have:
1. Let Osama Bin Laden escape.
2. Let Bin Laden family members out of the country
3. Wiretapped and infiltrated peace organizations whose only goal is to PREVENT terror through love and tolerance.
4. Started a war costly both in human life and to our economy, which was entirely unjustified AND by doing so have created many more terrorists.
5. They have failed to take action on SERIOUS national security threats such as the proliferation of handguns and automatic weapons.

This is the Republican party's national security policy in action people...if you think otherwise, they are playing you for a fool. And that is exactly what they hope to do in the upcoming midterm elections.

By clever rhetoric they hope to turn their long record of failures into something to be bragged about. I seriously doubt the American people will believe them though.

So on this solemn anniversary of a tragic date in American history, take time to reflect on who has really been the American peoples' friends in Washington D.C. and who has endangered American lives for the pursuit of wealth among the greedy elite. Reflect on this carefully.

Well that is my political statement for the day.

Sincerely Me.

P.S. fun bad fortune of the day: "Time is the wisest counselour"
...from my cookie yesterday.
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