May 09, 2005 21:40
This evening we moved the furniture around. The computer is now in the living room instead of the "dining room." It wasn't really the dining room. Because of space, we turned it into the sewing/computer room. We eat in the living room. Anyway, the computer is moved which makes the living room more cramped and the "dining room" a little more empty. Oh well. You can never win. It works and maybe we can move the couch to the other wall. I'm trying to figure out the best configuration in my mind. I couldn't believe how dusty everything was!
I like it better out here anyway. I like to be able to have the TV on while I surf the net. I used to be able to watch The Tonight Show while I went online, but stopped because I couldn't watch the TV from the next room.
Our new family member is getting along just fine. Lucy has really shown Dinah who's boss! The first day, Lucy hissed right in Dinah's face. We took Lucy to the vet for her free evaluation and found she doesn't like the food we've been feeding her. She likes the stinky fish food. That means I have to feed her special twice a day. She's also underweight, so I'm trying to fatten her up a little. Now that she has the food she wants, she's becoming slightly more picky about when you hold her, when she snuggles and when to go to bed. I noticed she doesn't like to be moved like she used to. And now when we open the fridge, she thinks we're getting her food and she starts "talking" to us. It's sort of funny. She's a good kitty, though.
Over the weekend, I saw "The Aviator." It was a good movie and Leo did fantastic in it. I thought some parts were a little slow, but overall I liked it. I had no idea Howard Hughs had a problem with what we now call OCD and that he built so many planes. I didn't know anything about him until I saw this movie. It was very interesting. I don't know what else to say about it.
I would also like to see "The Interpreter." It looks like a good movie.
While I was at Wal-Mart over the weekend, I was at that "Carnivale" the HBO show had come out on DVD. I'm now trying to find it at Blockbuster. I've tracked it down online, but can't find it at the stores in town. I figured out that I can order it online if I sign up for their 14.99 a month thing, but I'd never use it that much. I've got to see if I can track it down to the stores.
I know I promised new icons and I haven't delivered. Sorry. I do have them on my hard drive, but haven't done a thing with them yet.
I've got to go. "Medium" is on and it looks like a good one.
I'll spare you from a "Survey" tonight. But, later ;)