Apr 23, 2010 15:02
You would, on the day I have hope of catching up in Screnzy enough to get Luck in the Shadows back from Krista, be a rainy, dark day. You would.
Also, remember my scratchy throat from yesterday? Yeah. All out sore throat now, complete with sneezing, stuffy nose, and plugged ears. Awesome.
I had a dream last night that the curse thing in Luck in the Shadows, where the cursed person goes kind of crazy and hallucinates and has random flashes of homicidal tendencies and then passes out really sick and dies, happened on Merlin. It happened to Merlin, and he was traveling alone with Arthur (except, it was from like a poison blade or something he got stabbed with instead of a cursed object) and went kinda crazy and Arthur was all "WTF Merlin? Also, you look shitty." and Merlin's all "Oh noz! I wanted to kill you! You should kill me first, or abandon me, or something, because I'm dangerous!" and Arthur was like, "Pfff, whatever, I doubt you could harm me if you tried." and Merlin was like "....good point." There was lots of bromance, because Merlin kept getting worse and was in pain and Arthur was all worried and also felt guilty because it was kind of his fault Merlin got sick in the first place because, like in the series, Merlin didn't get ANY ARMOUR when they were out...doing...something...I can't remember what...and then Merlin got attacked and Arthur wasn't there and Merlin got sick. And finally Merlin did the whole passing out for days on end getting worse and worse and having trouble breathing and shit and Arthur had to carry him back to the castle and it was all SQUEE because he was super worried. And then Gaius was all OMFG and Uther was like "hmmm" and Arthur was all "we have to saaaaave hiiiiim!!" and then I woke up. So Merlin might've died. I dunno. Gaius probably saved him.
Anyways, on Tuesday I went and saw the play A Doll's House at the Globe, and it was AWESOME. The Nora was PERFECT, just as I imagined her! She was quirky and hyper and silly and sweet, but really drove home the dramatic speeches, especially the one at the end when she explains why she's leaving. It was great! I was with Shelby and Jon (who was kind enough to drive us), and it was awesome. Shelby and I got back to Luther JUST in time for the Midnight Breakfast (that actually happens from 10pm to 10:30) which occurs on the first Tuesday of each set of exams. It was SO GOOD.
Also, you know the slide narrative photo project I uploaded to my second YouTube channel? Well, I think I want to turn it into a mini-webseries of short films. It's going to be EPIC. Patrick, Shelby, and Krista all said they would gladly reprise their roles as Jacket, Print, and Sue respectively. Yay!
You know what I forgot to mention? Last semester, I started watching Xena: Warrior Princess and got through all of season one (I haven't watched any this semester, though). I initially was all "Pfff, that sounds dumb, what a stupid show title," but then I realize that is the SAME REASON lots of people refuse to watch BtVS and I felt ashamed of my close mindedness. So I started watching it, and it is AWESOME. A really fun show. I look forward to starting season two sometime this summer! It's all about women kicking ass, how could I not have liked it?
lynn flewelling