There aren't rainbows and unicorns so much as scary dream demon things and centaurs

Apr 22, 2010 21:18

So I said I'd talk about Luck in the Shadows, and now I'm going to. Take that, people who thought I wouldn't keep my promises!

It wasn't really a promise though, was it? Oh well.

My throat's kinda feeling scratchy and weird...that's not a good sign...

Anyways, the Nightrunner series! I'm halfway through the first book and, guys, I LOVE IT. And I feel you will all love it too. Especially Jessica, and probably Tracy too. Probably Kaiti as well. And...I was gonna say Patrick, but this list is getting ridiculous, so you should all just read it because it's awesome. So, you should read it. It's about this young man, 16-year-old Alec, who ends up apprentice to an early-twenty-something-year-old spy...theif...person who works for...uh...this wizard in this country, I don't actually know anything beyond that, because Seregil's a very secretive character. The point is, it takes place in a magical kingdom with rainbows and pink clouds and unicorns...that are robots. I lied about most of that. That's Robot Unicorn Attack, which I haven't actually played in awhile. I'm gonna do that RIGHT NOW, because I have ADD! Hold on, this'll only take me a minute...

...I'm back. I only got 29,256 points, which is super disapointing because I got over 21,000 on my first Wish, but then my computer kept freezing and lagging on my last two and I only got a little over 3,000 on each of those. Sad face. You know what'll cheer me up? Telling you all about this wonderful fantasy series I'm reading. Happy face!

But I lied earlier. There is a magical kingdom, but it's actually super dark and awesome (though, I'm sure they have rainbows sometimes, and probably pink clouds if there's a nice sunset, and maybe even unicorns, though I haven't seen any yet and they are probably not robots if they do exist even though that would be awesome because I still firmly believe that a robot unicorn would be the most badass thing ever and I want one right next to my mechanical angel wings from CLAMP's Clover) as opposed to sparkly and happy like I made it sound (also, I don't have ADD - I got tested for it and everything!) (no, seriously, I did, in grade three). I adore the characters, which we all know is an important thing for me. Seregil is calm and cool and hilarious and badass and awesome and makes a very attractive woman when the situation requires it (causing all the male characters around him, including the totally straight ones, to question their sexual orientation and it's awesome, though I should note that Seregil does not normally look like a woman, he's not like GetBacker's Kazuki). But just when I think Seregil is my favourite, Alec does something so painfully adorable that I fall out of bed from squealing and rolling around hugging the book too much. And I ship Seregil and Alec. Hardcore.

Guess what? A little birdy (named Catherine, who has read a few books into the series and reccomended them to me) has informed me that my AlecxSeregil shipping? Not completely delusional. I like to think I have a reasonable head when it comes to shipping characters - I ship slash couples, it's true, but not to a ridiculous point. I don't ship every male couple I see. Just today I watched an episode of Merlin, and didn't ship Merlin and Arthur in a way that wasn't bromantic! Same with Ginji and Ban! But I shipped Touya and Yukito from Cardcaptors pretty much instantly. So it all depends on the portrayal of the couple, and I have no problem with (in fact, I absolutely adore) bromance. But I think Seregil is so clearly attracted to Alec, and there are hints that Alec may also be attracted to Seregil, and they have such a beautiful blossoming friendship already that I want it to go further.

But my shipping aside, the characters' interactions are great and add a lot of humour and sweetness to what is a fairly dark story when you really think about it (and I've been told it only gets darker). Bad things happen to these characters, and I'm only halfway through book one. Hell, the novel starts with Alec being tortured! But this is an intriguing, mysterious story with an interesting plot that has me screaming for revelations because, damn it, I want to know what's going on as badly as the characters do!  I adore what I've read so far, and I can't wait to start reading it again (but I must catch up on Script Frenzy first).

So! There ya go. My reccomendation for some summer reading. Also, check out the author, Lynn Flewelling's, Live Journal account. She's funny, gives updates on how the books are coming along, and posts pro-gay rights and feminist stuff now and then as well.

PS - Here's a cosplay of Alec and Seregil. Alec is the blond. Both cosplayers are too feminine, but it still makes me squee! Oooh, and here's another of Seregil. Again, too feminine, but sweet costume and pretty photo location!

PPS - This post on Lynn Flewelling's LJ has a picture of actour Lee Williams looking EXACTLY how I imagine Seregil. YUM.

PPPS - My icon is art from the Japanese copies of the Nightrunner books (they are originally in English, this art was just pretty and suited my purpose). The picture is, of course, of Alec and Seregil. I made the icon myself, but stole the phrase from one of Lynn Flewelling's old LJ icons.

nightrunner, cosplay, reviews/recaps, recommendations, lynn flewelling

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