CodenameMreeb Also, I just looked out my window, and there's red on the wall in the courtyard. Looks an awful lot like blood.
#ZombieApocalypse CodenameMreeb The fake blood from my photo shoot? Maybe. Castoff from zombies eating human flesh? More likely.
#ZombieApocalypse CodenameMreeb @
TheBloggess has been overtaken by zombies. So far I'm safe. We've always thought that Luther was the safest place to be when they came.
#za CodenameMreeb No, really. It's like a fortress, and there's food for months. Though, that film project I saw would disagree with me.
#za CodenameMreeb Also, the hot chocolate in the Luther caf is AMAZING. Why do I not drink ALWAYS? This is relevant, I think.
#za CodenameMreeb Oh shit. I think they're here.
#za CodenameMreeb Sort of ironic that the zombies should bring on the apocalypse just hours before Earth Hour...
#za #earthhour OCTBernie I wonder if Jedi mind tricks work on zombies. I should try it out.
#za OCTBernie Apparently not. Too bad. Would have useful for my upcoming project, Zombie Apocalypse! The Musical.
#za OCTBernie OMG, THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE WAS TOTALLY ORCHESTRATED BY MATHEW REEB. The Bloggess being attacked can't be a coincidence. That bastard!
#za OCTBernie Wow, definitely meant "would have been useful" two tweets ago. Sorry. Fighting off zombies is bad for my grammar.
#za CodenameMreeb @
#za CodenameMreeb Alright, peeps. We can survive this. Nathan suggested we book it to the arctic. The zombies will totally freeze!
#za ShlebyLah is going to hide out with Mary until the apocalypse is over!!!
OCTBernie Fact: it takes 5 zombies to unscrew a lightbulb, but only 1 zombie to unscrew your arm.
#za OCTBernie The lesson here? Disguise your arms as lightbulbs and you'll do much better.
#za CodenameMreeb So this may have been a drill, but I still believe Matthew Reeb *spit* might use ZA to kill my followers. Watch your back, @
And this, my friends, is why Twitter is awesome. Us Tweeters are now sort of prepared for when the zombie apocalypse comes. How 'bout you?
Side note: I stole that awesome Pushing Daisies icon from Catherine. It's her default icon. It's perfect, is it not?