Borrowed Time (5/5)

May 27, 2006 23:10

Title: Borrowed Time
Author: Raina
Rating: PG-13 for violence
Spoilers: up to the end of “Home” Part 2
Summary: Every night Lee dies in his dreams…or are they much more than just dreams?
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters; I just enjoy making them suffer
Notes: AU that takes place during “Home” Parts 1 and 2.
Thanks to Ysrith for providing beta duties.
Feedback makes me happy. ;)
I'm sorry that it's taken so long since the previous parts. I outlined the last part, then hit writer's block! I managed to get going enough to get it done, and while I think it's too brief, I just can't come up with any more than what I've got; it's been sitting on my harddrive without me adding to it for months. So I might as well just post it before I forget about it completely.
Hope you enjoy the (long overdue) conclusion to my story!



Lee’s hand trembles as he points the gun at his father.

No. I can’t do this.

But he can’t put his arm down.

Adama stares evenly at him, eyes daring him to take the shot.

Kara and President Roslin stand frozen, not wanting to break the stalemate.

“Lee, don’t do this,” Kara finally says.

He doesn’t want to do it, but there is something which sounds almost like a ringing in his ear, which then loudens into white noise. It pushes on his own thoughts, drowning out everything except for a single distinct voice, which forcefully says, over and over, shoot him.

“No,” he whispers as his finger slowly tightens on the trigger.

Sweat beads on his furrowed brow as his face reflects his internal battle. He fights against the command with all his willpower, and his finger slowly begins to relax on the trigger.

Apollo. Take your destiny.

This voice seems to come from outside of him, not from inside like the other. He suddenly spots a Sharon model slowly coming out of the shadows. No one else notices her.

Finish them off and take your destiny, she says, her voice only audible to him.

No. I won’t do this. I can’t do this.

His hand trembles.

A single shot rings in the air.

Sharon crumbles to the ground as everyone turns around in surprise.

Lee drops his gun, hand trembling.

“Son?” Adama asks, stepping forward hesitantly.

Suddenly, everyone dives for cover as several shots ring through the air and two Centurions burst into the room.

They shoot wildly and indiscriminately as Kara, Adama, and Lee return fire from behind the cover of the statues.

Kara jumps up and fires wildly at the Centurion standing on the left, managing to score a few good hits, but it still keeps firing.

“Frak! These things won’t just lay down and die!”

Lee stands up from behind his statue, managing to hit the Centurion squarely in its red eye. It finally goes down as Lee dives back behind cover.

“Thanks!” Adama shouts as him and Kara take out the second Centurion.

In the silent aftermath of the battle, Kara notices that Lee hasn’t come out from under his cover.

“Lee? Battle’s over.”

Kara, Adama, and Roslin all walk over to the statue that Lee is hiding behind, and they find him lying on the cold stone floor, bleeding from a chest wound.

“Oh. Frak.”

Adama and Kara bend over him as the life bleeds out of him.

“I’m sorry,” he gasps.

“Frak I can’t lose you. Not again. Don’t you dare die on me!” Kara yells at him in desperation.

“I died two years ago, Kara. I’ve been living on borrowed time since then.”

“No,” she whispers, tears welling in her eyes.

“I’m proud of you, son,” Adama says gently.

“I love you both, and I’m sorry,” he says.

Then, for the second time in two years, Lee Adama dies.


Lee’s given full military honours along with the dead marines. Adama had decided to do this despite his being a Cylon to keep the Fleet from finding out about the infiltration. At least that’s how he justified it to everyone who knows the truth. But deep down, he knows that this is also the closest that he’ll ever come to honouring his real son.

“These men died bravely in service to the Fleet, so that we may one day find Earth. Will we all survive to see it? No, we won’t. But the sacrifices of our fallen comrades will make sure that humanity has a future. Will it be easy? No; it will be long, difficult, and we will lose many more brothers and sisters along the way. But we shall find it, in honour of our fallen family members. We shall find it and make a new home.”

As the coffins go out the airlock, he salutes both the son who died hating him two years ago and the Cylon who replaced him and eventually learned to love his father.

Goodbye, son.


Adama and Kara sit in his office, drinking to lost comrades.

“Do you think his consciousness downloaded? Do you think he’s still out there somewhere?” she asks, staring thoughtfully at her drink.

“I don’t know. I’ve tried not to think about that.”

“Yeah it’s kinda creepy knowing that he might still be out there, isn’t it?”

“But it also means that I might see my son again.”

“Was he your really son, though?” She pauses. “Yeah I suppose he proved that he was, in the end, didn't he?”

“I think so,” he says thoughtfully.

“Anyhow, I've got CAP first thing tomorrow, so I should get going. Good night, sir.”

“Good night, Kara.”


Alone in the bunkroom, she reverently unwraps the idols as she blinks away the tears welling in her eyes.

“Lords of Kobol, hear my prayer. Take care of the real Lee Adama. I don't know if the Cylon had his own soul or not, but if he did, take care of it too.”

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