Wacky wizard and witch stuff

Jul 22, 2007 00:02

Hey folks.

So I went to B'ham to see the Desert Chikins again and to attend the HP book release party up there at Barnes and Noble. To save money rather than taking a greyhound to B'ham from Seattle, I took a Sounder transit to Everett, then planned to take the Greyhound from there to B'ham. I got to Everett in plenty of time, but when I checked in they said, "oh there's a bus that's here now you can take that one if you'd like." So I said sure. It was the Greyhound that left Seattle at noon and just arrived in Everett now, which was 3pm. It got stuck in traffic because of the rain. What, it doesn't rain in Washington? I figured it'd be good to take this one anyway since maybe the 4:00 I planned to take would have been late too. So I got to B'ham around 4:30 and called AmiDoji and told her, but I ended up waiting till 5:15 as planned (actually a little later than that), then went back to the Chikins house to get ready. We ran a little late, then grabbed some McDonald's and woofed it before going to the book store a little after 9, which was full of Potter-heads already. They had a costume contest and we all entered.

Smidge as Pansey and AmiDoji as Draco were finalists, but the prizes went to the kid who was Dobby and a lady who was a Phoenix or something.
Funny me as HP was virtually ignored this time around as opposed to Draco. That wuss?
After that you could just hang out, play games, or get pics taken.

I walked around looking for photo ops to take, the rest of the time I was just looking at all the books.

I waited in line with the others until it got close to midnight. I went up front to take photos as the big golden Snitch climbed to the top (a la new years eve) at the stroke of midnight.

The buyers were sectioned off in different lines. I was there as the first folks got the book.

Then I just waited for the Chikins to get their books. They were all excited and acting silly.

I told them don't peek and tell me stuff about the Deathly Hallows, although someone already leaked the Half Blood Prince results to me! Hopefully I'll forget it by the time that movie comes out. We got home close to 2am, and while everyone stayed up and read I went to bed. We got up early to take Sharachan back to the airport and me home. And that's it.

I tried to sleep today even though the 2 brats were over here for a while. Now I'm just editing and posting pics. I'll put all of the HP book party ones up at photobucket in a day or two. I'm putting up more AX photos at anipike and photobucket. Here's a sneak peak what I'm editing right now...Woahh....:

What I've edited so far, most of these have come out PERFECTLY. Maybe I could say, "these will be...my masterpiece!" We'll see. Check ya later.
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