

Apr 24, 2020 07:58

Weird, I could access LJ from work before, but for some reason today I can't. Ah well, hopefully I can post by e-mail or something.

Anyway, quick update--yesterday was the inspection for the house here, which is a good step, but an anxious one. I was nervous all morning while they were there, which ended up being 4 hours! It's a reasonably large house with lots to inspect, so I guess that's not a bad sign in and of itself. I didn't mind so much because I was here at the office, but I felt awful for Heather, who had to clear out with 3 kids and a dog. They went to a park for a while, ate lunch, but then had to basically sit in the van afor an hour or two waiting for the people to leave. They should have considered that under current conditions, there's not many places to go, so maybe they should hurry things up a bit!

Anyway, today is the end of the contractual inspection period, which means we should hear today if the buyer is satisfied enough with the inspection results to move forward. Our contract is as-is (pretty typical in Florida), so they can come back to us with repairs they would like, but we're not obligated to agree. I wouldn't mind taking care of some minor things, but we just don't have enough equity to agree to anything major. Anyway, we'll see what happens.

If we had more time (and weren't already under contract to buy in RVA), I actually wouldn't mind if this deal fell through. I found the buyer on FB, and he appears to be a real Trumpy type. Ex-Marine, gun nut, etc. Great. On one hand, he'll fit into the neighborhood fine--we've always been outnumbered as liberals--but on the other hand, just ugh. But we were really under pressure to get a new contract when our first buyers fell through, so we didn't have much choice. But a guy came to our door yesterday because his wife had seen our house for sale online, and asked him to stop by to take a look--we told him we were already under contract to sell, and he gave us his card in case that changes. So possible backup there. Seemed like a nice guy, and his first name is Hamilton, which is awesome! We really don't want to start over AGAIN at this point, though, so.. yeah.

Anyway, that's it for now. Hopefully we don't hear anything bad about the inspection results today--if all goes well, should be relatively smooth sailing from here. Just have to figure out closing/moving dates and logistics!

blow up the outside world, moving

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