oh god. the fanmeeting turned my whole weekend around. SO emotional...
I can't even put it coherently.
hyperballad calls me around 10:30 AM where I'd been stewing at home, angry because I couldn't sign up for the ELF registration + fanmeeting tix that opened up for foreigners, because I'd already registered for ELF (I still haven't received my card,
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Kyuhyun cried and clung to Kangin's neck and Hyuk, naturally, was fountaining like a little anime character. Ryeowook clung on Kangin and kissed his neck, even. - because like... BabyKyu crying really gets to me so hard, idek. And I could just imagine and visualise the scene and all the KangTeuk and KangChul and I wanted to like throw something because I couldn't be there to see Kangin. Fuck. It's like something tearing inside me, idek.
... And then I read that YeWook part and I just started lol-ing. Like full-on laughing so hard, and clapping, idek why, and my bf gave me this really hard glare (probably similar to the look Ryeowook was giving to the girl trying to drag his man off), but I couldn't be arsed to explain what I found so hilarious. :'D
I feel so fucking much for Heechul right now though, I know Kangin and he are close and it's like... everything must be killing him now. ;____;
seriously, all of Heechul's BFFs have quit or had to leave, he's in a rough place right now.
He is, idk how he's holding up with Hankyung and Kangin and Kibum gone, at least he has Donghae and Yeh with him but... it's not really going to make up for what he's lost, right. D:
Yeh's just basically a creeper, lol. he came up behind one of the girls they brought on stage and whispered something into her hair/the back of her neck. I would have been so skeeved out.
... Ngl, I would kill to be that girl. KILL. Just to have Yesung whispering into my neck, jfc ;____;
Can I tweet your fanaccount link to my t-list? I think they'd all want to know about the fanmeeting. :D
Still dying at the YeWook :'DDD Did Ryeowook really glare at her all the way? Like, completely unsmiling and grumpy? :3
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