Nov 26, 2007 23:36
i promise i'm not always negative, but it's supposed to be healthy to get out your thoughts. so if you know me, you probably know i'm a very opinionated, judgmental, discriminatory person. and i actually think everyone is, they just don't want to admit it. but anyway, my comment on society tonight: people who go to college to major in things such as music, art, dance, theatre, whatever else fits in there.. are idiots!!! I mean, i guess it's almost okay if you major in something else (that isnt included in what i listed). But it's still not even okay, cause it means you're dumb enough to waste your time doing that. I guess what it comes down to is that everyone has different opinions about what an ideal life is. For me, I think people who waste both time and money to study these nonsense things people can't really teach you anyway - is really selfish. Why? Because they're so concerned about having fun and loving what they do. Well I think people are under the horrible perception that life is supposed to be perfect. It's not, and you're not going to have fun your whole life. The pattern I see with these air-headed types is that they're caught up in their whimsical fantasy land where they can sleep all day and play music or paint all day and be happy. Ok, I guess that's fine, but just don't have kids. Cause the truth is, you're most likely setting yourself up for a financial downfall if you're not broke already. And how fair is it to be a burden on your family or other people for money? I guess if you want to live your happy poor man's life, just don't bring other people into it. I think ahead to the future and what you're going to provide your kids, and it seems like these artsy types are just concerned about their happiness (a trait that characterizes americans in general). I just wonder how are you going to provide opportunities for your kids? It sucks, but it's the way the world works - you need money to get places. Also, if these people plan to get married? Holy shit you better get a prenup!! I would hate to marry someone who had to leech off me cause they didn't get an education. That's pretty much what it is, you're not using your brain. I mean, i almost fell into that category doing architecture (however that is much more respected cause there is at least math involved, computer design, engineering and shit). But in all reality, yes i spent probably a miserable 15 hours working on a stupid drawing but that was a physical drain, not a mental one. There's a reason why these things fall into the category of entertainment: it's luxury, excess, something you do in your spare time. I guess it also comes down to how people measure success. It might not be a great way, but it is how it is - money! Yes it's superficial, snobby, whatever, but that's life. The truth is people respect you more. I may be perpetuating the corrupt socioeconomic ways of our world but i'm not going to let society's problems be my problem. Any way it is though, i dont think i can learn to respect people who go to school to play around. I've thought about it really hard (mainly by the urging of Guy since his bro is an oboe major - !!!! do i even NEED to comment here??), but i dont think i even want to try! Call me a bitch but someone had to say it.
PS: i forgot how to be all tech-savvy with LJ, so remind me how to do cuts? i'm sure not everyone wants to see what i write!