it's funny how i always tell anat everything before i actually post it on my lj.
carl is lazy<3
DaleWesleyyy: we had a feild trip to the franklin institute
DaleWesleyyy: it was awesome
GudyGoodyGumdrop: niice
DaleWesleyyy: it's a big interactive science museum
GudyGoodyGumdrop: cool!!
DaleWesleyyy: in one exhibit there was a steam train (only the engine because it was HUGE) and i got to be the engeneir (SP?)
GudyGoodyGumdrop: yay for caroline!
DaleWesleyyy: i think people started getting annoyed at how much i was blowing the whistle thing xD
DaleWesleyyy: i was like *pull lever * *pull lever * *pull lever *
GudyGoodyGumdrop: HAHAHAHAHA
GudyGoodyGumdrop: thats so great!
DaleWesleyyy: i knonw!!!!!
DaleWesleyyy: and then there was the forces and motion exhibit
DaleWesleyyy: and i did this thing where i sat on this chair type thing, and there was a rope in front of me and i pulled myself up
DaleWesleyyy: it was cooooooooo
GudyGoodyGumdrop: hahaha!
GudyGoodyGumdrop: niice
DaleWesleyyy: and in the human body exhibit i walked though a GIANT HEART
GudyGoodyGumdrop: WOAH
DaleWesleyyy: but kinda disturbing fromt eh pumping noises
GudyGoodyGumdrop: HAHAHAHA!
DaleWesleyyy: i was like *twitch twich ewww*
GudyGoodyGumdrop: hahahaha
DaleWesleyyy: and the hallways were really skinny and i wouldn't recomend it to a clostrophobic person
GudyGoodyGumdrop: haha
DaleWesleyyy: and there was this other thing where you stood on this platform and there is a tube that pours down red liquid to a line where it says how much blood you have in your body
DaleWesleyyy: i have 16 and a half cups
GudyGoodyGumdrop: yuck
GudyGoodyGumdrop: that creaps me out
DaleWesleyyy: hahahaha
GudyGoodyGumdrop: i have to go walk simba
GudyGoodyGumdrop: gr
GudyGoodyGumdrop: ill bbs
DaleWesleyyy: we'd probably be around the same
DaleWesleyyy: it depends on weight
DaleWesleyyy: ok so in the gift shop there was this headband thing that was shaped like a lightning bolt and it looks like it's going through your head when you put it on
DaleWesleyyy: and it was only 2 bucks!
GudyGoodyGumdrop: hahaha
GudyGoodyGumdrop: niice
DaleWesleyyy: so my friend and i got it
DaleWesleyyy: and then i got nerd
DaleWesleyyy: s
DaleWesleyyy: and vending machine stuff
GudyGoodyGumdrop: haha niice
DaleWesleyyy: and then outside there was this guy selling these furry hats
DaleWesleyyy: and my friend and i wanted one because they were only 6 bucks
GudyGoodyGumdrop: haha
DaleWesleyyy: so i gave the guy two tens and picked up the hat i wanted
DaleWesleyyy: so i asked for change
DaleWesleyyy: so he handed me a bunch of ones and i was about to count them to make sure and my friend goes "ooh i want one!" so i said "get the green one!"
DaleWesleyyy: so the guy hands me a green one and is about to take the money out of my hands
DaleWesleyyy: i didn't know that he thought i was buying it or something
DaleWesleyyy: so i go "nonono i already paid"
GudyGoodyGumdrop: oh uh
DaleWesleyyy: so then he handed me like some change
DaleWesleyyy: and i'm like AAAAH
DaleWesleyyy: WHAT'S GOING ON
DaleWesleyyy: and i didn't know what to do
DaleWesleyyy: but if i tried to give it back then he'd get all confused
DaleWesleyyy: he was a pretty old man
DaleWesleyyy: crazy at that
DaleWesleyyy: and then we had to leave
GudyGoodyGumdrop: oof
DaleWesleyyy: so i was like O_o
DaleWesleyyy: so i got two hats
DaleWesleyyy: haha
GudyGoodyGumdrop: haha
and now for the picks (i never look good in pictures-_-)::
don't make fun of me *blush*