Dec 17, 2008 08:24
Today we have a snow day. Monday we had a late start, Tuesday was normal, and Wed is a snow day. I would rather have a late start, because now we have to make up this day at some point in the year. I hate that rule. So its a little hard for me to enjoy this day off. So I will attempt to move that fact to the back of my brain and just enjoy sitting around today in my sweatpants and cow slippers, watching the Tyra Banks show and other mind-numbing shows.
I really like my job. There was a few weeks there, where I was having some difficulties with the political and paperwork aspect of the job, but I think I've found a nice groove where I won't be stressed about it. I'm supposed to have an eval done tomorrow morning and I'm really excited about it. My principal is totally cool and when an eval has to be done, he lets us chose which lesson (so we can be sure to rock it) and I chose a time of the day where we mix up all the first graders for reading and I have about 30 in my room, in small groups. Its a crazy management time, but I feel very comfortable with that part of it. The part that I'm looking for advice on is a small group that I work with that is extremely mixed in abilities and I'm looking for a good balance of challenge and success. So I'm asking my principal to evaluate me on that part of the day, so I can get some good feedback in regards to questioning and the like. I met with him yesterday briefly to explain, and I feel really good about it. Plus, everytime I've had an evaluation done (even while student teaching) my "things to work on" have been very general and broad- "call on a few more students for answers" "give a couple more seconds of wait time" "use inclusive questioning" stuff that everyone gets. I'm looking for something specific to make me a better teacher.
That said, I totally can't believe that I am a second year teacher working with an amazing staff and at a goldmine of a school. I totally lucked out. I just wish it were closer to my family sometimes. It's hard, because I'm really happy here. The only thing lacking in my life is a house and a dog. Soon, though, soon. :)