i love answering these stupid questions!

Apr 01, 2004 22:42


name | Cynthia
age | 0
sex | female
height | 5' 6
sexuality | Bisexual


kissed your best friend |yes
kissed a member of the opposite sex | yes
kissed a member of the same sex | yes
worn handcuffs | yes
been in trouble with the police | yes
been in love | yes...
ditched class | yes
cheated on a test | yes
been divorced | no
been married | no
made love to someone of the opposite sex | no
made love to someone of the same sex | ...
been bi-curious | Duh!
done drugs | yes(I SUCK! YELL AT ME!!!)
drank | not enough to get drunk.


took asprin | a couple of hours ago.
hugged someone | 4 hours ago. Ashia.
had suicidal thoughts | A few hours ago
ate something | hour ago. frosted flakes.
drank a soda | Ummm...3 days ago.
played with a knife | 5 mins ago. while doing the dishes
kissed someone | 6 days ago
listened to a song starting with 'G' | "Geek stink breath"- Green Day
danced | Last time i listened to dead kennedys
talked on the phone | 5 mins ago with tony(mi papi chulo).
IMed someone | Ben, right now.


hugged you last | Ashia.
kissed you last | Phrank...
IMed you last | Homeless
called you last | Tony
you called last | Josh
talked to you | My metrosexual brother chris
was your first kiss | Martin
made you smile | Phrank.
made you frown | Phrank.
made you laugh | Phrank.
saved your life | My sanity.
would die for you | Who ever really cares? i guess?
would you die for | Anyone i truely love.
kicked your ass | Christian...he tickles.
ass did you kick | Josh.
insulted you | Jake.
complimented you | Christian
made you cry | Phrank.
wrote you a note | Sara.
told you 'i love you' | Phrank.
you wrote a note | Omar
told them 'i love you' | Phrank.

want kids | yes
want marriage | yes
want sex | Ummm...if i want kids, yes i want sex.
want a job | yes! now!
want diamonds | Nah...
i want to be a... | Jesus.
want love | maybe...
want a house | yes!
want me | Nah...


band | too many to choose.
food | cherrys
drink | Strawberry milk
sport | Roe-sham bo.
color | Blacite(black and white)
texture | Vinyl
place | Away.
person | ......
hobby | Playing with my band.
sex position | Hmmm...*poof*

Well, life has been weird. i saw phrank monday. he wants to get back together. and everyone sure as hell knows that i want to too. but i haven't heard from him since and it's already thursday. So, i guess i kinda feel like i got my hopes up. i feel mad and sad. two bad cominations. cause when your mad, you want whatever got you mad to stay away or die. and when your sad, the only thing that could really make you better is what made you sad in the first place. so combining those has got me all confused. Well, i don't know what to do. i need help. help...anyone..please..help...blah. oh well. i go now. *poof*
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