Feb 22, 2008 23:25
I chalked up my ankle's hurting lately to the weather and my insane amount of physical activity until I went to the chiropractor today.
I went for my lower back; it was so tight that my back was arched all the time and I couldn't flatten it even when I tried. When he asked about my ankle (he'd X-rayed it for me when I first injured it), he was concerned when I told him it was still swollen and painful. So he examined it. Turned out my tibia had slipped, probably when I fell originally.
HIM: Tell me if it hurts. (pushes up on my heel and down on my shin near my ankle, applying a shear force)
Okay, so it took a lot more finagling on his part than that. But it hurt so much that I was honestly afraid he was going to break me.
I spent the majority of this evening lying on the sofa with an ice bag on my ankle, trying not to move my back or neck (which turned out to be even more out-of-whack than my back was).
In conclusion, chiropractors are godsends, but ow.