Might as well amuse myself.

Jan 19, 2008 11:36

No, it is not dangerous to confuse LaZorra with angels.

Which movie was this quote from?

Coming on the heels of my last post, this one cracks me up. Could be very dangerous indeed.

They're here already! You're LaZorra! You're LaZorra!

Which movie was this quote from?

No autographs, please.

When I invite a woman to dinner I expect her to look at my LaZorra. That's the price she has to pay.

Which movie was this quote from?

Makes for a rather awkward evening, let me tell you.

LaZorra! Why did it have to be LaZorra?

Which movie was this quote from?

Sorry, Indy.

Soylent Green is LaZorra!

Which movie was this quote from?


Pay no attention to that man behind the LaZorra!

Which movie was this quote from?


I find your lack of LaZorra disturbing.

Which movie was this quote from?

Everything's better with more me.

LaZorra? Where we're going we don't need LaZorra.

Which movie was this quote from?

Fine, just take your Mr. Fusion and vamanos.

Why are you wearing that stupid LaZorra suit?

Which movie was this quote from?

It goes with the cape and rapier?

We can't stop here. This is LaZorra country.

Which movie was this quote from?

I'll come after you with shotguns, I will.

Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was LaZorra killed the beast.

Which movie was this quote from?

I came after it with shotguns. I warned it about stopping in LaZorra country.

And my favorite:

We're on a mission from LaZorra.

Which movie was this quote from?

I have people.

I played around with the Advertising Slogan Generator a bit and have decided that "death" is the best word to put in there. For example:

Pardon Me, Do You Have Any Grey Death?

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Like the Black Death, but less contagious.

Only Death Can Prevent Forest Fires.

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First time I've heard the death penalty advocated for arsonists.

Because So Much Is Riding On Your Death.

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You've Always Got Time For Death.

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It's not exactly the sort of thing you can put off.

Death. It's Everywhere You Wanna Be.

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Come See the Softer Side of Death.

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This has me picturing Death in a pink silk bathrobe and feather boa, sitting seductively on a featherbed. My brain is a very, very scary place to live.

Death Keeps Going and Going.

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That whole "eternity" thing.

More Death Please.

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For the ultimate masochist.

Death Comes to Those Who Wait.

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For The Death You Don't Yet Know.

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I want to see Zondervan or someone put this on the cover of an edition of the Bible.

Full Of Eastern Death.

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SARS, anyone?

My Anti-Drug is Death.

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"I don't do drugs, I just cut my wrists."

Plink, Plink, Death...

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You thought Tylenol was the only company to have lethal drugs slipped into their products.

Moms Like You Choose Death.

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The ultimate parental compliment.
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