I did that career survey thing that's been floating around, and these are the top ten results:
Website Designer 2.
Historian 3.
Desktop Publisher 4.
Animator 5.
Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator 6.
Multimedia Developer 7.
Director of Photography 8.
Costume Designer 9.
Set Designer 10.
Anthropologist "Writer" was number 13 on the list, which surprised me. "Print Journalist" was number 21. Interesting!
In other news, I didn't get off work until 1 a.m. today. *YAWN* That was after a grueling weekend of Scout leadership training at a local camp. I went straight from work to camp Thursday evening at 11 p.m., and from camp to work Sunday afternoon. It was an awesome time, as the next weekend session will be on the 28th.
But man, that morning shift was rough.