I've survived my last "first week of school" at Fresno State. (Unless I decide to go for my drama minor and the rest of my second option, which will keep me here for another year. Let's hear it for the sixth-year undergrad!)
Because I know you're all dying to know all about my classes, I have taken the time to write about them! And the excitement was uncontainable!
MCJ 104: Editing of Publications
Copyediting class. Mostly focused on newspapers, but it's still going to be fun. I know some people in the class, which is nice, and my prof is the school paper's faculty advisor, so I work with him outside of class. I actually really wanted to take this with another prof, whom I had for MCJ 1 several semesters back, but he retired in the fall. :-(
MCJ 112: Audio Production
The professor for this class looks like he's about sixteen. It is freaky, especially when he says things like, "I did this project for a radio station about eight years ago . . ."
There are only twelve people in the class, and three of them were in Summer Arts with me. (I miss Summer Arts.) Another one is a friend whom I knew was taking the class already. It's kind of weird to be at the point in my major where I have the same classes with the same people all the time.
This looks like it's going to be a fun class, too. The assignments are mostly pretty creative (one is telling a story with only non-narrative sound, for instance), and we get to work with the campus radio station. The radio station's facilities are ooold, but it's all good.
GD 40: Intro to Graphic Design
Basically, I get to play around in Photoshop for six hours a week. We'll also be learning Illustrator, which excites me. My prof looks like she's approximately 800 years old, and she talks with a slight speech impairment, but she seems to know her stuff.
Well. mostly.
On the whiteboard, she wrote the URL for her site (which has the class' syllabus on it) as starting with "http://," paused, erased it, and wrote, "http//:" because it looked "more right."
KAC 13: Swing Dancing
I have always wanted to take this class, and it's never fit into my schedule before. I roped a friend into taking it with me. Turned out one of my friends from the equestrian team is also in it, and she and my other friend went to elementary school together. Weird!
The woman teaching it is in her late 50's and wears miniskirts. It is disturbing. Also, her male assistant thinks my dancing is absolutely hilarious.
Oh, and the second friend made her older brother enroll because the class has too many girls and not enough guys. Her brother is kind of cute.
HUM 120: Humanities in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
OH EM GEE I LOVE THIS CLASS. You know the parts in the Indiana Jones movies where Dr. Jones is fulfilling his professorial duties? THIS IS THE CLASS HE WAS TEACHING.
Except I don't have Harrison Ford for a professor. Mine is female. She's very pretty, but it's not the same. :-P
Seriously, I had forgotten how much I love history. This is like history to the nth power. We are going to study architecture, drama, music, and literature in addition to the "dates and names" kind of history. The professor brings in slides of places she's been and tells stories about the study she's done and the people she's met in different places. Required reading is Dante's Inferno, Machiavelli's The Prince, and Shakespeare's Hamlet.
I LOVE THIS CLASS. On Thursday, the professor opened with, "Today, we are looking at the Carolingians," and I was all, "Mmm, Carolingians!" A nerd is me.
I'm also working part-time at the Collegian, the school paper, as webmaster. The former webmaster left the site in a bit of a mess and didn't really leave any documentation for how to get around it (it's WordPress-based), but fortunately he still answers his email. X-D
It's hard living an hour away from town with this job. The paper is published three days a week, and I have to put the content up online the evening prior to the printing. I haven't gotten out of the office earlier than 11 p.m. once yet. On Tuesday, this was because one of the editors took a whopping SEVEN HOURS to lay out TWO PAGES. I do not know how one does this.
It also looks like I will be serving as webmaster for the FSU chapter of the
Golden Key society this semester. In addition to competing on the team, I hope. I'm not holding my breath about that, though. :-/ I did have a couple of teammates tell me that I had better darn well get to show after redshirting last year. That was nice. :-)
And now I should go clean my room and get hay. Later, y'all.