I'm reading this book called Adulting: How to Become a Grown-up in 468 Easy(ish) Steps. I'm in the portion talking about what to keep in your vehicle for emergencies and whatnot. I've got some things, like jumper cables and a tire pressure gauge thingy. And some truck things, like ratcheting straps. And there are things that are good for winter, such as blankets, ice scraper (which, btw, have one in your house and place of work too, I have had doors frozen shut and not been able to get the scraper out!), spare gloves and scarf. And then non-emergency stuff like phone chargers, a book, knitting.
What else do you all keep in your vehicles? After reading the list in this book, I started googling. Don't start googling. I could fill up the back of my truck with all the crap blogs and other sites tell you that you should have!
Here is the list I have compiled of things I read in the book, found online, or I think might be a good idea, but then also might be over the top and rather "doomsday prepper"-ish.
- Jumper cables
- Flashlight and batteries (several sites recommend storing these in a freezer bag?)
- Pocketknife
- Non-perishable snacks and water
- Blanket or hoodie
- Paper towels and/or toilet paper
- Tire gauge
- First-aid kit
- Commercial window breaker (seriously, this was on several lists!)
- Ice scraper
- Foldable shovel (just... what the hell?)
- Hidden cash (several sites recommend a couple of bucks for if your card gets declined at a gas station... since I've got a diesel, I'm thinking a hidden $20!)
- A sheet of medical information and emergency contacts (in a ziploc bag too)
- Plastic bags
- A house key and a spare vehicle key (stored underneath or somewhere not in the car)
- Spare tire, jack, and tire iron (several sites recommend purchasing one as the one that comes with vehicles can suck)
- WD 40
- Duct tape
- Tire inflater and sealer, or something to fix a flat
- Matches (in a waterproof thing)
- Reflective triangles
- Squares of cardboard/carpet remnant/bags of cat litter
- Pencil and paper
- Umbrella
- Change of clothes for cold weather so if you have to get out and get wet, you don't have to sit in wet clothes
- Book
- Spare leash and treats
- Leather work gloves
- Paper maps of the US, the state you're in and/or traveling to, and a county map if possible (where the hell do you find a county map?)
- Compass
- Rags for checking oil and whatever
- Old vinyl tablecloth to lay on if you have to get under your car
- Coolant (some recommended oil, wiper fluid, and a funnel)
- Fuses
- Hand sanitizer
Clearly this is way, way too much stuff! And yet, for much of it, I can see the purpose... I've not had a situation where I'm stranded for a long time in extreme temperatures or anything, or somewhere so far out that I don't have phone signal. But this list is overwhelming like whoa. And also, I've been driving for almost 15 years and have had a low tire once, and needed jumper cables twice.