Oct 14, 2005 02:36
The first piece of hate make this whole year. I think I might have beaten Spink.
On 10/13/05, nstei001@student.ucr.edu wrote:
Well hello Stephen, how are you doing? I bet you're sitting
here, reading this, wondering why someone would comment on
your article (or maybe you're so on the ball with your
opinions that you have your own personal fan base that
commends you everytime you make a witty, sarcastic remark).
Well, I'll be straightforward with you: I'm not here to
congratulate you for another superb article! In fact I find
your article unappropriate on as many levels as there are
students at UCR that I've felt it necessary to write you this
letter of complaint. Instead of being an insecure coward who
hides behind the veil of annonymus mail, characters, etc. I
will give you the justification needed to convince you that
you fucked up, and should at least consider what you write
before it goes to the eyes of people like me.
First off- and probably the most blatant of- your errors
lies in your criticism of Torrid. Now, I am not a lobbyist for
the company, but just the fact that you implied that
being overweight is the equivalent to that of a racist or Nazi
is straight up hypocritical, and you of all people- being what
we now praise as "the individual"- should be aware of it, now
that I've slapped you across the face with it. Are you telling
me that the message you're sending to all of the overweight
women (and, following your logic, girls too, because everyone
who does not share your FABULOUS sense of style and wit is
automatically inferior and deserves an appropriate title) of
UCR should just give up on life since all of us skinny people
don't want them? If there is not a single person that has
raised their voice to this blatant disregard of an
individual's right to AT LEAST BE RESPECTED for who they are,
I am very pleased to tell you that you, Stephen, are a first
class dumbfuck who isn't in the best shape himself. How about
you and I go to the gym sometime and run a couple of miles? I
promise I'll stick to your pace, but that's assuming you make
it past the first couple of laps, otherwise you'd be wasting
my time. Oh, and I forgot to mention it: I don't want to hear
your bullshit about how you don't need to be skinny to be an
individual, considering your logic is about as valid as having
sex with anything as long as it has a pulse.
Second, I see that you follow The Highlander's
formatting and editing strictly and adamantly, considering you
wrote an article
about a nooner (which, let me remind you, is on-campus
entertainment) in a section which is titled "UNDER THE RADAR!
Covering off-campus entertainment." Now, normally I wouldn't
comment about this error, seeing as it is nominal compared to
other, more serious, mistakes. But because you had the
audacity andarrogance to create such a work, I figure you've
got this coming to you. I mean, seriously, how do you fuck
something like that up? I mean, do you think you can just type
random shit and expect people to not notice? Apparently this
is the case. I'm not going to go any further with this point,
because if you have actually read this far then you'd know by
now why I am criticizing your logic.
Lastly, since I've already given more than enough reason
for your editor to dispend of you (or if you are the editor,
to resign in hame until you learn to correct your mistakes),
I would like to know why you must use an excessive amount of
sarcasm, such that it lends the article a facade of being
praise to I Hate Kate. I mean, do you think there are people
at this Univesity that will completely miss the intention, so
totally lost in the words and the sarcasm that they mistake
your article for praise, at which you will point and laugh in
your egotistical melange that suggests he or she is an
incompetent fool? If so, then I have even more disdain for
you, because you and others like you are one of the causes of
students' negative connotations towards UCR. Even those that
loiter the streets down University, many of whom begging for
our kindness and change, have more truth and respect for
others than you. Because, unlike you, Stephen, they aren't
worried about what others think of them, and don't care if the
truth is brutal, so they would never try and sell something
fake. I suppose I should check myself there, considering some
do lie in order to get what they want (presumebly money or
alcohol or other drug paraphernalia); however, they do it out
of necesity to ensure they survive (you might think otherwise,
but it is more than half-truth many of those who use drugs and
alcohol are physically dependent on such substances).
I find it incredible that you have managed to survive at
this institution as long as you have, given your obvious lack
of credentials. This suggests one of two things;
1. You are sucking dick and ass to make the grades, or;
2. The administration of UCR has such apathy as to allow you
to stay, given that you've forgotten everything Chancellor
Cordova said during UCR's annual convocation.
So I suggest you try something: switch to the College of
Natural and Agricultural Sciences or the Bournes' College of
Engineering and graduate with a degree from either, seeing as
how your time is spent writing unintelligble jibberish instead
of studying. The last thing I need is some random jackass
"psychologist" getting my tax money because he couldn't hack
it as someone who helps people, instead stuck for the rest of
his life at some college or university doing benign research
on why donkeys should urinate in buckets rather than in fields.
Sincerely yours,
Neal Steinberg
DN 0123
Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Nu Chapter
University of California - Riverside
(p.s. I know I came off as an asshole, but I can't just let it
go that I became so infuriated with your review that I ripped
up the paper after reading it. And if you somehow want to make
ammends for your mistake by publishing my opinion, send a
formal request to me beforehand, otherwise I will see to it
that you end up in court for plagiarism.)
Neal Steinberg
DN 0123
Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Nu Chapter
University of California - Riverside
Hey Neal,
I'm doing well. I'm suprised you took the time to look me up on Facebook for all that info. Yeah... my picture with Hilary Duff does look pretty rad.
Anyways... I'm not here to argue with you. The point of the article was to say "Hey... look at this crappy band and this crappy line up for the Nooners." Last year we had Tegan and Sara, who were fantastic, and Rooney who drew probably the largest crowd all year for the Nooner. This year we have I Hate Kate who are probably the biggest band this quarter besides Kill Radio. Maybe I'm an indie snob because I think my music is always better then someone else's music. Having bands like that play just makes writing about arts and entertainment that much less enjoyable.
The only counter point I really have is that Under the Radar is one page in color if possible, except for this upcoming week where Radar will be two pages talking about The Glasshouse, and since the last page of Radar isn't always color we moved it around. Sorry for the confusion.
If you really want you can just write a letter to the Editor-in-Chief. Just make sure it's 400-800 words and that it's in Rich Text Format. Try not to use words or phrases like "Sucking cock and ass" or "fuck" or "buckets" as we find it offensive.
Also I'm glad that you didn't say anything about the part where i wrote about the lead singer talking about one of our students "sucking his cock" and that's why the student was upset. I'm assuming you agree with me that the remark was made in bad taste. Or maybe you don't as you seem to think that I too suck balls now and again to get good grades. Then again dick and fart jokes seem to be in favor this year.
If you have any suggestions for concerts or events that Radar should cover please pass them along. I can probably get in for free. I hear I Hate Kate is playing at Chain Reaction on Nov. 17th with The Dead 60's. That should be rad because The Dead 60's are playing.
Well... hope to hear from you soon. I know midterms are coming up for you and physics and math seems pretty difficult. I took Physics 7 and math 3 and those were pretty hard. Here's a dumb fact since you don't like psychology very much: most Nobel Prize winners in chemistry and physics go on to study psychology after winning as "the mind" is the last great mystery. More CEO's hold a degree in psychology then any other degree. Also I'm a huge Marilyn Monroe fan and she was a size 16.
Stephen Loh
p.s.- Here's a little thing I learned in psychology. Think of me the next time you're having sex. You can even pretend that the chick is Hilary Duff. It'll be great.