After six long days and nights, Bobby’s living room was such a mess they could barely walk through it. At the best of times, Bobby’s place was hard to navigate. But after nearly a week of being central command in Sam’s physical and cinematic rehabilitation, the place was worse than the salvage yard outside. Empty microwave meal trays and food containers representing at least 4 different continents littered every flat surface. And calling a teetering stack of DVD cases a flat surface was being kind. Balled-up tissues covered almost everything else, from couch to floor to coffee table.
“You’ve got color back in your cheeks,” Dean noticed as Sam got up to take The Empire Strikes Back out of the DVD player. “Haven’t heard you sneeze all day, in fact. We could get back on the road by noon.”
Sam fit the DVD into its case and took out Return of the Jedi. With his finger through the middle circle, he spun it slowly, lost in his own thoughts. Then he turned and sneezed deliberately into the crook of his arm with a sneeze that sounded absolutely nothing like his usual sneezes.
And, having listened to those sneezes repeatedly for days on end, Dean noticed. But when Sam sniffed dryly and held up the DVD with a ‘one more movie?’ expression, Dean grinned. “You’ll find I’m full of surprises,” Sam quoted, slipping the next movie into the DVD player tray.
When he flopped back onto his side of the couch, Dean plopped the Kleenex box between them then rested the fresh bowl of microwave popcorn on top of it.
“You’ve got color back in your cheeks,” Dean noticed as Sam got up to take The Empire Strikes Back out of the DVD player. “Haven’t heard you sneeze all day, in fact. We could get back on the road by noon.”
Sam fit the DVD into its case and took out Return of the Jedi. With his finger through the middle circle, he spun it slowly, lost in his own thoughts. Then he turned and sneezed deliberately into the crook of his arm with a sneeze that sounded absolutely nothing like his usual sneezes.
And, having listened to those sneezes repeatedly for days on end, Dean noticed. But when Sam sniffed dryly and held up the DVD with a ‘one more movie?’ expression, Dean grinned. “You’ll find I’m full of surprises,” Sam quoted, slipping the next movie into the DVD player tray.
When he flopped back onto his side of the couch, Dean plopped the Kleenex box between them then rested the fresh bowl of microwave popcorn on top of it.
Loved Dean using quotes and expecting Sam to react but instead only getting blank stares.
Sam's years in the cage surely count for the lack of recognition. Poor Dean; wouldn't work not matter how hard he tried.
But I enjoyed seeing them settle down to take care of Sam's cold and mostly of his ignorance regarding cinematographic culture.
My favorite part is when he fakes sneezing to watch Star Wars hahaha! That was a very sweet way to end this :)
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