Time started: : 6:25
Full Name: Anna Elisabeth
Single or Taken: taken
Sex: femme
Birthday: 19 June
Siblings: Kaye (aka Kate)
Eye color: blueish greyish green
Shoe size: 5 1/2 or 6, depending on the shoe
What are you wearing right now: Las Vegas thrift store t-shirt, old AE jeans, birkenstocks, green hat, James' bracelet, and my watch
Where do you live?
now: Charm City, MD (aka Bawlmore aka Baltimore)
home: South Jersey
Righty or lefty: righty
Can you make a dollar in change right now: yep
Who are your closest friends: they know who they are :o)
Do you have a BF or GF?: mais, oui! Il s'appelle James.
Did you send this to your crush?: well, my crush is my boyfriend, and he reads my lj, so kind of.
Best place to go for a date: Philadelphia. or the shore. or the 4th of July Fireworks.
Where is your fav place to shop: lately, H&M for clothes, though I'm far more of a books junkie...used bookstores are my favorite!
Favorite kind of pants: old beat-up jeans that fit absolutely perfectly
Color: greeeeeeeeen
Number: 7?
Animal: I have three- a fat neurotic beagle mix, a huge lab puppy, and an old but awesome black and white cat
Drink: tea or espresso
Sport(s): ........yeah.
Fast-Food Place: Maoz on South Street in Philly is the only fast food I've eaten in recent months...and it's all falafel, all the time...hopefully next year I'll get to experience the real chain, which is in Europe
Band: lately, I've been really into foreign and/or creative hip-hop, on top of the usual stuff. don't know why.
Movie: hmm...Amelie, Garden State, Dead Poets Society, The Motorcycle Diaries, Goodbye Lenin, Moulin Rouge, MASH, Dirty Pretty Things, The Battle of Algiers, etc
Apple or orange juice: orange, all the way
Breakfast: usually mini-wheats with soymilk and a very strong cup of tea, though sometimes a croissant, biscuits, or a bagel in place of the cereal
Cologne: Clinique Happy for Men *swoons* smells soooooooooooooooooo good!
Favorite cartoon character: mmm, I'm a fan of Boo from Monsters Inc.
Gone skinny dipping: not yet...
Eaten a dog: when I was younger I ate hot dogs. Occasionally now I eat NotDogs or Tofu Dogs, though not very often.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: no...I have done that with ice cubes, though
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: quoth the Magnetic Fields: "If you don't cry/It isn't love/If you don't cry/Then you just don't feel it deep enough"...in other words, yeah.
Broken a bone: thankfully, no
Played truth or dare: yeah- it got me into trouble a couple times in middle/high school...haha
Been in a physical fight: with my sister when we were little
Been in a police car: not unless you count Goucher Cops
Done drugs: nothing hard
How many: just one
Come close to dying: probably
been in a sauna: mmhmm
been in a hot tub: yep
swam in the ocean: yes.
Ran away?: when I was little, I tried to once or twice but never got very far
Broken someone's heart: not that I believe (someone told me I did once, but I think he was just trying to justify his own actions, which broke mine). hopefully I never will.
Cried when someone died: yes.
Cried in school: yes.
Fell off your chair: oh yes
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? yeah
Saved AIM conversations: a few gems
Saved e-mails: I still do, because I'm too absent minded to remember things
Fallen for one of your best friends?: yeah...it screwed so much up, and I didn't even act on it (or tell him for that matter).
Made out with JUST a friend? yeah, a few times...that last one turned into something more shortly there after, and I'm so glad it did :o)
Used someone: not purposely
Been cheated on: unfortunately
What is...
Your good luck charm: Hmm...well, I don't really have one, but I don't like being without James' bracelet.
Best song you ever heard: Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen (and covered by Jeff Buckley and Rufus Wainwright)
What is your dream room like: right now? it's a two-or-three room apartment in a city somewhere, with art slathered all over the walls and beautiful furniture, a comfortable bed, a full-working kitchen, air conditioning and heating that I can control, a good view, and no bugs.
Last thing you said: "Jersey bagels warm the soul." hahaha
What is beside you: a pile of books and notebooks
Last thing you ate: a Jersey bagel that Marissa brought back from break
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pert Plus 2-in-1 with Deep Conditioning
Best thing that has happened to you this year: oh goodness...so much has been so good. London, Prague, James...
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: my uncle's death this summer. that was awful.
Sore Throat: not at the moment, which is good, because I have rehearsal in an hour.
Stitches: had them in my mouth after wisdom teeth surgery this summer
Broken nose: never
Believe in love at first sight: no. love is something that blooms and grows as you get to know someone, not something that hits you over the head with a frying pan when you see somebody you think is hot.
Like picnics: ohhhhh yes. Kensington Park, in London, on St. Patrick's Day......fucking beautiful.
Like school: it's my life. no, really. I better like it- I'll be in school until I'm 28 pursuing a doctorate.
would you.......
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000.: GOD NO!
Kill someone you didn't know for 1 billion dollars: depends on the circumstances
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: hmm...Catherine/Sarah/Adriane/Ishy for entertainment...my beautiful boyfriend for um, other entertainment, and because he makes the best grilled cheese ever...my sister and Mr. Wallen because between the two of them, they could build anything out of anything...Lauren so she could be the enlightened despot...Laura, Katie, and Jacquie because every island needs performers...
If you loved someone and you were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: only if it would hurt them because it affected them directly- for example, I'd come clean about cheating, because that's a broken promise- but if it was something that affected me, but would never affect them so long as I didn't act on it, I would probably wait longer to say something.
Who was the last person that called you: James
Who was the last person you slow danced with: honestly, I don't remember
What makes you laugh the most? Chaterine Weaver Bates and James
What makes you smile?: my friends, family, and boyfriend :o)
Who is the last person.........
You Kissed?: James :o)
You yelled at: probably Brodie (our puppy) for jumping up or nipping my hands or something
Who broke your heart: Micah
Is your loudest friend: I don't have many quiet ones, to be honest
Do you/Are You................
Do you like filling these out: when I'm bored, yeah
Do you wear contacts or glasses: I'm supposed to
Do you like yourself: more or less...sometimes it's a love/hate relationship
Do you get along with your family: generally, yes
Stolen anything over $50: no.
Obsessive?: at times
Compulsive?: oh yes
Anorexic: was at one point
Suicidal?: no; I think existence, however painful, has a point, and is better than being nothing at all.
Final questions
What are you listening to right now?: "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey. haha
What did you do yesterday: came back to school, and wasn't very happy about it
Hated someone in your family: not in my immediate family, though there is one person in the extended family I feel we could all do without.
Got any awards: yeah...mostly academic/overachiever type stuff
What car do you wish to have? I wish to live in a city where I don't need a car/license.
do you want to get married: yes
When would it be?: whenever I'm ready...which will probably be early twenties or sometime around thirty, because in between I'll be in graduate school and will not have time to plan a wedding.
Good driver: HA. I don't do wheels.
Good dancer: I don't know if you'd call it "dancing"...more like rhythmic spasms. I got the rhythm, but absolutely no coordination.
Good Singer: when I want to be.
How many remote controls are in your house?: either one or two in the apartment...not really sure
Are you double jointed: probably not
What do you dream about: really weird, random stuff
Last time you showered: yesterday evening
Last time you took a bath: it's been well over a year now
The last movie you saw at the theatres: RENT!
Scary or happy movies: happy- my imagination is too good for scary movies...I get nightmares. lol
Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
Skiing or Boarding: I don't like the idea of having a board or two strapped to my feet and being sent hurtling down the side of a mountain.
Summer or winter: both of them have their good parts :o)
Silver or Gold: silver or white gold.
Diamond or pearl: diamond...one day, maybe
Sunset or Sunrise: I rarely see the sun rise, so when I do, I get really excited.
Sprite or 7up: neither- the bubbles hurt :o(
Cats or dogs: both!
Coffee or tea: lately, tea
Phone or in person: in person, most definitely
Are you Oldest, middle, youngest child? oldest...in other words, the guinea pig
indoor or outdoor: a little of both
Yayyyyy wasting time.