More Questions meme

Nov 17, 2009 10:38

We are all having WAY too much fun with this Meme--but damn is it awesome. XD <333

Once again, I will ask you five (more) questions, but this time you have to say "What do you think I am, the morning bus?"

1.) Which do you prefer, ficcing or arting?

My choice would really just depend on the day, and possibly the time, you ask me. Sometimes I prefer to write, because expressing myself in words is rarely difficult--at least when they're written and not spoken. But there are days when I feel as if i'm getting no where, all my stories are utter shit, and that drawing is much less difficult... which is hilarious because I haven't been terribly happy with my art much lately, either.

All in all, though, i'm not sure if I have a preference between the two. More often than not they tend to walk hand in hand.

2.) What's the biggest challenge to modding an RP?

The wankers. Lol, that probably isn't too helpful, but it really is the truth. Most trolls I can handle--they're there specifically to cause trouble and usually get tossed out on their ears in a few days thanks to blatant rule breaking. Wankers, on the other hand, tend to be a little more sly. They try to use words against you, to create imaginary loop holes in rules that they didn't quite break--just enough to completely miss the spirit of the rule. They're the ones that cause drama and problems for people that they view to have "Authority" and are all about seeking ways to control the game.

A large portion of the time, the other players don't even see what the wankers are doing, only the mods do. Which is, essentially, what makes it worse. They twist the rules and use other players are shields, and tend to cause drama with the mods while telling sob-stories to the other players in order to make the mods look like "teh devil." I've witnessed this phenomenon in games where I wasn't a mod, and games where I was a mod--the major difference is that in the former instance, it wasn't apparent what was going on until the game was dead in the water thanks to their Wankitude.

This is probably convoluted and hard to understand. XD Sorry

3.) What piece of work of yours are you most proud of and why?

Fan-fic wise? Hmm... I think probably the Mental-Verse fics. Which I really hope people get to read some day XD They're darker than what i normally write, not very romance-based, and just... I don't know. For whatever reason they make me proud, despite the flaws I've uncovered through re-reading them, which I need to fix.

4.) Have you met anyone online through fandom/RPs that you think you could be friends with in real life?

Yep! ^_^ Actually, a lot of my good IRL friends I originally met online. Lessee.. when I was seventeen I went to a con with a friend from Michigan that I met online--we don't get to talk much, anymore, as our schedules are different, but the friendship definitely translated the mediums. There's Nat, who I met through LJ only to discover that we actually lived in the same apartment complex (at the time,) so we went out for coffee the next day. Sandy, who I talk to all the time on the phone and WILL meet one day, Sarah that I met through a forum and go to dolly activities with... Hell, our entire BJD club here in Houston met entirely online the first time. XD

To me there is VERY little difference between an "online" friend and an "IRL" one. I tell the truth about myself to both sets, which is the only reason I can think of for why someone would object to an online friend being seen as a "real friend," and have no qualms about meeting up with someone I've known online. (unless they just make me uncomfortable in general, but then I wouldn't count them as a friend ;D)

5.) 5 words you hope people would use to describe you.

Oh um.. geeze.. mm.... I guess "Loyal," "Trust worthy," "honest," "accepting," and "Dependable."

i came i saw i slacked off, vernacular diarrhea, ^meme

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