Nov 15, 2009 16:27

Leave me a comment asking "Can you pick my brain?" and then:

• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

1. Do you have any irrational fears?

Several. XD My fear of bugs is the one that most people notice. I've worked with myself on it and have finally gotten to the point where I don't run screaming at pin-point sized spiders or ants--but I used to. I have a hard time dealing with anything that is vaguely insect-like. Roaches are a little less queasy for me, somehow, but that might have to do with the multitde of bad experiences I've had with them, specificially. You would think it'd be the opposite way around, but since I've had to deal with them on my own so much, I'm not as scared of them anymore. Any thing that flies, though, including flies, totally wig me out.

Another is a fear of swimming in the ocean, or any "live" body of water. I grew up swimming in lakes and rivers, but the older I get the more afraid of those situations I become. I don't have the same feelings about swimming pools, though I rarely swim in general. I do know that the "reason" behind it is the fish in the water, which leads me to another irrational fear: Fish.

I can eat them, draw them, watch them... I'm fine with that. But the thought of putting my hand into water with a fish makes me so scared i get nauseous. I cannot bag them (i used to work at a pet store) or look at a dead one. They creep me out and even the thought of coming close to touching one activates my gag reflex.

2. If you could have any magical beast as a loyal pet, what would it be?

Magical beast? Hmm... Well I've always been of the horse-minded, so probably a Unicorn? Possibly a dragon, so long as it's of the eastern kind. They're all pretty and whimsical and nice ^_^

3. If you could inhabit any of the planets from May I Never, which would it be?

MARS. Oh come on, was anyone expecting something else? Sure, they're strict as hell and TRES regulated, but I kind of like that structure in my life.

4. Which would you rather suffer, being too hot or too cold?

Too cold is usually my choice--I live in SE texas and i know first hand how hard it can be to cool off in extreme temperatures. While I'd guess the reverse can be true, I've always found it's easier to warm ones self up than it is to cool off.

5. Have you ever been robbed?

Sort of... not in a physical, property sort of sense, but I have been stolen from. I'm not sure if they really count as the same thing, but it felt the same--I had someone I was friends with at one point steal an idea from me. Yeah, I know it sounds silly, but we were talking about ideas for original characters one day and I came up with something fun and quirky. Next day I found out that she'd taken my idea and told everyone that it was her idea "oh, and Rae helped. sort of." Except that all of it was verbadim what I had been telling her that I was going to do. Again, doesn't quite equate but it really sucked and felt like a betrayal, all the same. D:

i came i saw i slacked off, ^meme

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