Fic Updates and Planning

Jul 20, 2009 10:28


So BTHE (also known as "Super Secret Ficathon Thingie") is finished and in beta-reading mode.  Lovely Lovely Ami is helping me with this, but I might need at least one more beta to make sure every thing was caught.  Any takers?  It's Sailor Moon, focus on the shittennou.

I think I might write another one for the 'thon, since I have a good amount of time left and several plot bunnies gnawing on my feet.  This might put WiP and MiN a bit on the back burner (as if MiN hasn't been simmering there for months, again.) but as both casts are now sitting in corners demanding various pastries before they continue, I don't think that's much of an issue. They seem to have gotten the idea that I cook.  I'm not really sure where this notion came from, but it's turning into quite a dellima.  Thankfully the 'thon cast are all too crazy to be aware of what the other muses are doing, otherwise I might have had a... much larger rebellion on my hands.

*shakes fist*

In other news, the NaNoRiMo project has changed itself again.  This time I'm returning to something started about seven years ago which never got written down (But has been living in my and my best friend's head). It's about damn time, i says.

(sailor moon), ^fanfic, ^nanowrimo, getting my lazy ass in gear

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