Feb 05, 2011 05:17

When I got home a couple nights ago I told Niko it seemed like everything I am involved with is degrading into a state of chaos. His response was "Meoooooow! Meow meow MRAOW!", which I'm pretty sure meant "It's about time you've returned. Hurry up and give me wet food or treats!"

Shortly after I realized that really does seem to be true. Normal life maintenance crap (dishes, laundry, finances, etc.) are slowly getting more and more out of hand. For the first time in my life I've paid a credit card bill without having reconciled it first. It was either that or wait to reconcile, which there was no ETA for. And that would require remembering to reconcile AND pay the bill before the due date. My memory has gone to hell, and what little sense of time I had has been disappearing little by little.

Mental state was definitely off, majorly so, a couple weeks ago. Not completely certain why, but I think I may have skipped meds several days during the snow week when working from home. Since then mental state has shifted more or less back to center. Unfortunately the march into chaos precedes the negative mental shift by quite some time; many months. It seems the march has picked up significant momentum in the past few months, pulling in more and more areas of my life.

So much crap that needs to be done, both personally and professionally, and it continues to grow. My feeble attempts to accomplish things don't get very far before I get sidetracked off into something else, so the lists of crap just continue to grow. I have a feeling that there is a breaking point where everything is just going to fall apart around me. I also feel that it is rapidly approaching and that all I am managing to do is just delay its arrival.


Oh hey, on the plus side, the RS4 has survived on its new engine for one year and more than 5500 miles. It has exceeded the lifetime mileage of the original engine now. No one has hit it yet. Nor have I hit anyone or anything (besides a curb or three).

self notes

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