Aug 24, 2008 02:39
According to the gent that did the survey there is a spot on the roof that would be hidden from everywhere in our community. Heck, apparently the builder didn't even bother to finish painting that area since it is hidden from view. The only spot it would be visible would be the apartment complex directly behind us. I thought it would be hidden from most of the community but I didn't realize there was a spot where it would be hidden from all of the community. Pretty sure he said that spot had a clear line of sight to the entire satellite arc that I need as well.
Oh, he also confirmed that the satellite I'm not getting a signal from is indeed blocked by one of the trees. I thought so but it was possible that my aim was off a bit. He checked along the balcony and there isn't anywhere at the current height that will get a completely clear view. The current spot I've got it in is the best location under the current circumstances.
I also had him check if it was possible to get a clear line of sight from my front walkway / driveway. It is possible but will require about 10' of height. Since I found a company that has a 10' tripod that is easily achieved. My only concern is how large an area the base will take up. I'm still waiting to hear back from the company.
I should be able to easily make an argument that my driveway and the walkway up to my front door area for my use only. Following prior FCC case precedent if the area is for my use only then it becomes a viable location for antenna placement. Definitely not what I had in mind initially, but it would prove very handy for running cabling since it's just a few feet from the garage and the central wiring distribution area.