May 22, 2007 23:30
Lately I've been listening to a ton of NPR/BBC while working. This is mostly out of boredom and need for some sort of thinking while I work. I also started practicing Italian in the car with some cds. It's going alright, but it's not a good idea to do that while I'm tired. Apparently I completely missed a stop sign while doing this and got pulled over. Luckily I didn't get a ticket, but it scared the shit out of me. So far I've learned greetings and numbers up to 30. Most of what I've finished sounds a lot like Spanish, so it's kind of easy. It's been three days with the cds, so I don't really know what my goal is with it. It's really more of a diversion than anything. If I get through all my cds I might try the same with Portuguese or Catalan. Romance languages are easy.
In other news, I would like to hang out with people. Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday are open, so call me up plz.
I'm tired so I should go to bed.
Buona notte.