May 16, 2007 01:42
I'm feeling a little bit like a vampire. I can't get to sleep until at least 3 or 4 am, mainly because that is what my work schedule dictates. I'm not really complaining, but it's weird to have nights where I don't work because I'll try to go to sleep earlier and I just can't. It's almost easier for me to stay with this weird sleep schedule than to change it on different days to try to take advantage of daylight. It just doesn't seem as productive as I wanted to be. I hoped to get a second job, but I haven't had much time to. I'm working 35 to 40 hours a week and doing a translation class twice a week, so I'm kind of busy. I get massive pockets of free time but the last few weeks I've used them to see people or to pick up more hours instead of filling out applications, finding an apartment, or getting rid of the van. I have a lot to do. Eric (Ohio) leaves on Friday. Things around here will be dead.
I do think that this summer is much simpler than the fall/winter semesters and will probably be easier on me than last summer. Last summer I had to work like hell to earn some money. I at least already have a job, so income isn't too much of a problem.
This is what my schedule looks like right now:
Sunday: Work 4pm to close (3am to 4am)
Monday: Work 4pm to close (3am to 4am)
Tuesday: Class 3-6 in spring and 6-9 in summer.
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Class 3-6 in spring and 6-9 in summer. Work 10pm to close (4am to 5am)
Friday and Saturday: free
(I have picked some shifts for fridays and saturdays but that changes depending on the week)
So yeah, three days of nothing, but with extra shifts and homework that changes. I'm not as busy as last semester but I'm not taking it lazy either.