Jul 13, 2006 13:46
I had the most fucked up dream about my lump last night. I dreamt that it got bigger and not only that but that there was another lump on my left arm. bad i know. Well I was a little freaked out but the one on my left arm because it kept growing so I went to the doctor who happened to have an office in the middle of the street under an umbrella. It made perfect sense to me. I show him and he looks at it and says well this is easy to take care of and gets a lady with red curly hair and she comes over to me with a big needls and says "dont worry this wont hurt" " we need to releive the pressure"
so she jabs the needle in and all this stuff comes out of so she tells me to keep squeezing it that this is good. I kep squeezing then all of the sudden there is a huge gaping hole in my arm and I can see all the muslces and insides which sort of looked like head cheese but mixed with blood. yes disgusting. So I keep squeezing and all the sudden the lump goes down and i say " god that feels so much better the pressure is gone" and the lady leaves the room so i take an exacto knife and i figure hey I will take care of the other lump myslef. I kept stabbing it but it didnt work. So i wake up and all I can think is Jesus there better not be another and and fuck i HOPE THAT I WAS NOT BITTEN BY A SPIDER IN MY SLEEP.
I wasnt. which was good.
But the lumps is still there I knew it was only a matter of time until I was distracted by it again. I keep forgetting adn then i go OH yeah. I wondser if it went down.
I get distracted by the wierdest thigns.