Mar 08, 2004 12:11
Forgive me father, why should you bother?
Try honesty, try honesty.
Hop in your dump truck, leave us for good luck.
Ride over me, ride over me.
Take on the whole world, fight with a young girl.
Die tragedy, die tragedy.
Call me a cheap skate, come on for pete's sake.
Cry agony, cry agony.
Nothing at all. I'm just trying to get through the end of the year. Then I might take a class over summer school to save myself from having school 5 days a week next year. So, take ASL over the summer, and then maybe next year I take my French credits. Then again, maybe not. Who knows? I'm so confused. At least the class would be in morning, and end at 12:30. I could still work from 2:00 - 9:30 at Lansing Monday-Thursday and my all day Sunday shift. Bah, who knows, I just know I need a day off from York next year.
So yes, three essays due this month, and three Astronomy assignments. Boo. Not cool. So I'm minorly agitated about that, however, I have been downtown for the last 3 weekends in a row, which is absolutely super cool. I probably won't go this weekend, because I should write my Drama essay. All three of my essays are 2000 words. That sucks. I always have a hard time coming up with things to say and I add boring mindless filler, like plot summary. My professors hate that, lol.
Linkin Park in Detroit. Courtney in Detroit? Maybe, would be awesome. I've only been to the states once before, and would like to go again. But now I'm paranoid that I'll be singled out as a Canadian, because apparently I have an accent. I think they lie, I have no accent, they do. I so don't say "aboot". Whatever Corey.
I think that's it. There isn't too much more to say. All is well on the other aspects of my life, ha ha, NOT! Well, they're getting there, but I have to figure out what I'm doing, 'cause other stuff is giving me a headache. I try not to think about it, it hurts my head. Sami, you shouldn't be envious, nothing really there to be envious about. Especially my gimpy "greg" ankle. It still hurts, but skating is supercool.