Jul 04, 2006 19:44
From Bizarre News:
Greetings fellow Bizarros,
One of my many hobbies is studying the sex life of sharks.
Well, that is a stretch. But a story recently surfaced about
a "virgin birth." This time, it was not someone from Beth-
lehem, but a shark in captivity.
No kidding. It seems that this shark was born in a tank of
strictly female sharks and no male had ever touched either
female shark. Some have started calling the female shark who
bore the baby shark...Mary. Scientists have been baffled
since there is no recorded asexual reproduction of a shark
ever known. Here is the story off the wire:
Unraveling the mysterious "virgin" birth of a
bonnethead shark in Nebraska last month should
make an "interesting research paper," a zoo
director said on Friday. The trio of female
bonnethead sharks living in a tank at Henry
Doorly Zoo in Omaha "have never been even close
to a male bonnethead shark since they arrived
as 2 to 3-pound pups," zoo director Lee Simmons
said. Though sperm can survive inside a shark's
reproductive tract for months or even years,
asexual reproduction is unheard of in sharks,
Simmons said.
Now, before we start a shark-worshipping cult, let me say that
the little shark happened to die. It seems that a sting ray
in the tank killed it shortly after being born. That's all we
need, a shark cult to take over the oceans.
But this is so weird that as of deadline, they are doing DNA
testing on "Mary" and the dead shark to see what is going on.
For my money, I think the tank has a back door entrance and
there is a bit more to this story than meets the eye. We'll
keep you posted.