Excuse me while I bang my head on my desk, but do people really have nothing better to do all weekend than sit at home all weekend and think about what they're going to call their doctor about on Monday morning at exactly 8am?
Thank you for making me want to kill myself just a little bit more every Monday morning.
We're short a person today so we have crazy Anna Marie filling in. She's wacky. She's crazy and hispanic and I'm totally offended because she actually talks louder than I do. One that's amazing, because I've only ever met one other person who can talk over me, and Two, I want to die because of her accent.
My office is right by the phone room, and we've been having problems with people hearing our crappy crappy hold music. So, they had to turn it up, and in turn, it's coming through the door. So now, I'm being forced to listen to crappy crappy crappy country music all day long. It's not loud, loud would be better, right now it's at the volume where if it gets quiet you can hear it and if only like one or two people are talking you can hear it just loud enough for it to get under your skin and go "huh what's that?" and then get angry because you realize that it's terible music. I don't think country music shold be allowed to exist.
And i'm totally confused, but I just looked up my account info on the hospital system. Someone paid my bill *shrug* That is so weird. It was there Friday. I'm totally lost. I have no idea, but hey I'm not complaining. So thanks to whoever, even though I know they're not on LJ.
We're putting an offer on the house in MI today. I'm excited! I hope everything goes well. This is the house we're trying to get.
http://yahoo.prudentialselectmi.com/details/start.aspx?Results=true&propid=047R027080907 I like it. It's really nice, it has a pretty back yard too, so we're going to get a hot tob and finish the basement and put in a pool table. I love pool, but I suck...alot. Everyone I know beats me in like 3 seconds flat, so I can't wait to have my own table and kick some ass haha.