Jul 02, 2005 17:18
there are some things in life that just go on and on and continue to always seem to be a problem. just like this simple conversation....
"thank you"
"your welcome"
"thank you for saying your welcome'"
"your welcome for saying your welcome"
"thank you for saying your welcome for saying your welcome"
"your welcome for saying your welcome for saying your welcome".... etc.
it doesnt end. it could go on and on, and like some things in life, we choose to make it go on and on. you dont have to keep saying "yourwelcome" or "thankyou". it is a choice we make. it may be a ridiculous example, but it is so true. there are always gonna be those problems in our life that seem to just go on and on, and are never-ending. but you know what? it is our choice whether or not those problems are so consistent with us. if we keep thinking about it, or bringing it up, or moping about it, it is going to stick with us. it could be something a friend said about you, it could be someone who broke your heart. it could be anything. and it varies with different people. but no matter what the problem is, everyone can hang onto it. just like that nonsense conversation, you dont have to keep it going. you can end it, and say "im done. its over. this is not going to bother me anymore." instead we just hold on to these burdens, that weigh us down everyday. i dont know about you, but i want to rid of these things. they just make me feel so horrible inside. we all just make it seem like such a hard thing to let go, but it really isnt such a hard thing. put it in God's hands, and you dont have to worry. God will work anything out for you, the best way that He knows. it may not fit into our personal plans, but that is something we have to deal with. its not about us, it is all about God. we are selfish people, and dont think about what might be BEST for us. all we think about is what we want. i am so guilty of this, as we all are. its something we all need to work on.
im sorry if that was confusing, but i completely know what im saying. if you dont, then you can ask me, and i will try my best to explain this rambling. it is one of those things we really avoid in life, and i have been thinking about it a lot lately. just some daily thoughts from the mind of Courtney.
i posted that on Xanga and i thought i would post it on here too, cause its real important to me.