(You And I) Collide 14/?

Mar 04, 2011 14:47

Pairing: Quinn/Rachel
Length: 1,878
Rating: PG-13 so far.. might change in the future
Spoilers: Through season 2
Summary: Quinn's tired of Sam, so decides to comfort Rachel after her break up with Finn. She never expected that comforting Rachel would lead to this.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait (again). School is consuming 90% of my time lately. I don't really like this chapter but I don't want to keep you guys waiting any longer. So I'm sorry if it isn't good. Enjoy!

    "What do you want, Finn?"
    "I get it now."
    "Get what?"
    "Why you don't like me."
    "Oh yeah? And what's your theory?"
    Finn dug his hands into his pockets then said, "Because Rachel still likes me. And since you guys are kind of friends, you got pissed when I kissed you."
    "Oh my god, Finn! Are you really that stupid? Did you not listen to Santana at all when she jumped you?"
    The boy gave her a confused look.
    "I'm in a relationship, you idiot!"
    "What? With who?!"
    Quinn took a deep breath and decided to tell him now. It was the only way he would back the hell off.
    "I'm dating Rachel. For two weeks, actually."
    Finn started laughing. The blonde rolled her eyes.
    "That's a good one, Quinn!"
    "I'm serious!"
    "Yeah, sure."
    Quinn pushed the quarterback off of her car and unlocked the door.
    "Hey, that's not all I wanted to talk about," Finn said while still chuckling.
    "Well, I'm done talking with you. I have to get ready for my date with my girlfriend tonight."
    "I don't think it's a date when it's just between friends, Q."
    "Rach and I aren't just friends, you moron! We. Are. Dating. How many times do I have to say it for it to process in that pea sized brain of yours?"
    "Sorry, it just seems a little hard to believe. I mean, you were pregnant last year."
    "So that automatically means that I'm straight?"
    Finn took a step back and rubbed the back of his neck.
    "When I dated you and Rach, you were both totally into me. Then you become friends and now you're gay. You hated Rachel but now you're dating her? It doesn't make sense, Quinn. It just doesn't sit well with me."
    "That's your homophobia."
    "I'm not homophobic! I live with Kurt!"
    Quinn laughed loudly.
    "You never hang out with him, never are around him in public, you sit as far away from him as possible at home, and you made sure that your bedroom was no where near his."
    "How do you know all that?"
    "I'm friends with him. He tells me a lot of stuff."
    The blonde smirked. She had changed the subject subtly and Finn hadn't even noticed. But she knew that she should probably get back to talking about Rachel and her otherwise she'll never get out the conversation.
    "Listen Finn. And when I say listen, actually do."
    Finn nodded.
    "Rachel and I are dating. It's not because of you, so stop thinking that you turn all the girls you date gay. Neither of us want to be with you. So please, just stop going after us. That kiss almost broke us up. I'm happy and I want you to be, too. There are a lot of girls in this school who are dying to date you. How about giving one of them a chance?"
    The tall boy smiled and extended his arm to give her a hug. Quinn wrapped her arms around his neck briefly.
    "I'm sorry," Finn mumbled.
    "Me too."
    "For what?"
    "Kneeing you in the balls."
    They both laughed before Quinn got in her car and left.
    "I love your dads," Quinn said as the two girls walked into Rachel's room. Jack and James were probably the greatest men the blonde had ever met.
    "I'm pretty sure they love you, too."
    Quinn wrapped her arms around Rachel's waist and smiled. The brunette kissed her on the lips.
    "I don't mean to ruin the moment, but I talked to Finn after Glee rehearsal."
    The former head Cheerio felt her girlfriend tense.
    "About what?"
    "Mostly about us. I told him that we are really dating and that neither of us want to date him."
    "What did he say?"
    Rachel pulled away from Quinn and sat down on her bed. The other girl sat in the computer chair. An awkward silence grew between them, something that had never happened before. Quinn shifted and looked out the window. She shouldn't have said anything yet. If she hadn't, she could be cuddling with her girlfriend while watching ridiculously cheesy movie. Finn was a touchy subject with Rachel, especially after the kiss.
    "How long have you liked me," Rachel asked, making Quinn jump.
    "I don't know. A year maybe? I didn't really notice them until one day when I ran out."
    "Why did you want to rush into this?"
    The question shook Quinn. Her heart fell into her stomach. Oh no, she knew this feeling. Tears started attacking her eyes. Well, if it was going to happen, she might as well be truthful.
    "Santana found out. It was turning her fall out with Brittany. She came up with this whole plan."
    "So, if Santana hadn't found out, what would you have done?"
    No, Quinn didn't want to think about that. She didn't even want to answer it. She was walking in a minefield and she's seconds from stepping on the biggest bomb. But she knew Rachel would make her answer somehow.
    "I.. I never thought about it, Rach."
    "Well start thinking."
    The blonde let the tears fall. She knew exactly what she would've done if her best friend never found out.
    "I looked for you every day after I ran out. I wanted to apologize."
    "For what?"
    "For leaving. When I finally saw you, I knew that I should be panicing and running the opposite direction. But I just couldn't. I didn't want to leave you again. I wanted to be with you. If Santana hadn't found out, the process would've been a lot slower."
    Quinn held her breath. There was only two ways this would go from here: Rachel ends it or Rachel smiles and they live happily ever after. The blonde watched the other girl for five minutes before they made eye contact.
    "Oh my god, Q, are you okay," Santana asked through the phone.
    "Yeah," Quinn muttered while washing the tears off of her cheeks.
    "Maybe we did rush you into this too fast."
    "I don't regret it, San."
    "Still, it could've gone a lot slower."
    "It doesn't matter anymore. It's done."
    The blonde shut off the bathroom light and walked over to the bed.
    "I guess. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
    Quinn hit the end button and threw it on the desk. She laid down in the bed and wrapped an arm around Rachel's waist.
    "What movie do you want to watch," Quinn mumbled as she pressed her lips to the girl's ear.
    The blonde got up and searched through the shelf of movies. She wasn't sure what was up with Rachel earlier, but she didn't care. Her girlfriend had smiled and dropped the entire thing. Santana had called seconds after.
    "I love you," Quinn heard Rachel mumble. She spun around and raised an eyebrow.
    "Did I just hear you say-"
    "I love you," Rachel said louder.
    "I know. It's early to be saying that, but I mean it. I'm not forcing you to say it back because I completely understand if you aren't quite there yet. I just want you to know that I love you."
    A slow smile crept onto Quinn's lips. She ran over to the bed and tackled Rachel, who had been sitting up while giving her little speech. The blonde pressed her lips to the other girl's.
    "I love you, too," Quinn said against the brunette's lips.
    "Alright, who's up," Mr. Shuester asked as he walked into the room. Brittany raised her hand.
    "Take it away, Brittany."
    "Take what away?"
    "Just... perform," Santana said. Brittany smiled at the Latina then stood up. She nodded at the band and they started playing.
Hot and dangerous
If you're one of us then roll with us
Cause we make the hipsters fall in love
When we got our hot pants on and up
And yes of course we does
We running this town just like a club
And no you don't want to mess with us
Got Jesus on my necklace
    Santana jumped up and joined the blonde.
Got that glitter on my eyes
Stockings ripped all up the side
Looking sick and sexy-fied
So let's go
Let's go!
    Rachel pulled Quinn up and the two joined in on the chorus.
Tonight we're going har-har-hard
Just like the world is our-our-ours
We're tearing it apar-par-part
You know we're superstars
We are who we are
    Mercedes and Tina started singing with them while Mike started dancing.
We're dancing like we're dumb-dum-dumb
Our bodies going numb-num-numb
We'll be forever young-yun-young
You know we're superstars
We are who we are
    By the time Brittany was done, everyone was dancing and singing. Even Mr. Shue decided to join in on the fun.
    "That was great, Brittany," the teacher said after the clapping died down.
    "I know. I'm the best singer here."
    Quinn chuckled and patted her friend on the shoulder. She felt someone squeeze her hand and looked over to see Rachel. When she pulled away and saw the hurt in the brunette's eyes, she knew why her girlfriend had been asking such serious questions yesterday. Sure, it was probably because she wanted to make sure she didn't love someone who was just going to leave her, but Quinn saw the bigger part. Acceptance. And not just by the blonde, but by the world.
    "Who's next," Mr. Shuester asked and Quinn was brought out of her thoughts.
    "Uh, Mr. Shue."
    "Yes, Quinn?"
    "I'm not feeling well. Can Rachel take me to the nurse?"
    Rachel was about to say something, but Quinn shot her a look that made her close her mouth.
    The former cheerleader grabbed Rachel's wrist and pulled her to the nearest bathroom.
    "Rachel, about earlier-"
    "It's not a big deal, Quinn. I completely understand that you want to keep us a secret."
    "You don't want us to be a secret."
    "I never-"
    "You didn't have to, Rach."
    The brunette took a deep breath and stared at Quinn.
    "I want to be able to hold your hand in public, to kiss you in the halls, to go on dates with you when other people are present, to not have to sneak around your mom or our classmates. I don't want to hide the one thing that makes me more happy than my Barbra box set."
    "You think that if you told me that you want to tell people about us, I was going to leave you?"
    Rachel looked at the floor and nodded.
    "I'm not leaving you, Rachel Berry. Not now, not ever. We can tell the world. Hell, we can tell the entire galaxy if you want. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. And no matter how many insults or slushies get thrown our way, I will never stop loving you."
    "I love you, too, Cliche Fabray," Rachel said as a grin spread across her lips. Quinn rolled her eyes before smiling.
    "So who should we start with?"
    "The Glee club. And I have the perfect song that will work with the occasion and this week's assignment."
    Quinn raised an eyebrow.
    "And what song is that?"
    Rachel grabbed her hand and answered, "You'll find out when we get to my house. We can go over it there."
Song: We R Who We R by Ke-dollar sign-ha :)

rachel/quinn, glee, faberry

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