May 06, 2007 01:37
yeah yeah, I know, it's one of the last "taboos"... whatever. personally, incest ( as defined as sexual activity between biologically related people) in and of itself does not trouble me at all. In some ways it seems even natural, like, when you're a kid, your siblings and cousins are close to you anyhow and you proably play doctor and whatnot.
NOTE THIS: I do not consider RAPE, whether you are genetically related or not permissible. ans sadly that is what incest has coem to mean... "I was raped by a family member"... that totally different than consentually gettign it on, whether as kids or later as adults.
I've had my philosphical ideas about incest for a long time. adn yea, if it's consentual, I don't freaking care. babies with 3 ears? the gentic lines have to be crossed for a few generatins for that to really happen and besides many of us have sex with non-related folk and would not have kids with THAT person either!
My ideas about all this have been really brought to the forefront b/c recently a freind confessed he and his sister ( well half sister) have sex. They are adults. The news itslef was actaully a confirmation of things I'd been feeling were going on anyhow, so in many ways it was a relief... it was also a blow b/c I was in love with the guy. what can ya do?
now for me, like I said, in and of itslef I do not care! honestly. I actaully thought it was kinda cool, like "good, do what you like and who cares what others think!" and beyond my own broken heart ( which has recoverd nicely) I was having some ick feeligngs that I had to explore and THAT is what this post is really about.....
I feel my friend is using this sex/energy in ways I do not approve of. I think he is doing it in large part b/c OF the "Taboo" associated with it. I think he is enjoying "shocking" people and then "feeding" off of the energy/charge created by folks finding out. I also think he is doing it b/c she is so like him, he doesn't have to challenge himself to merge honestly with another. I find the behavior juvenile. like he is unable to an individual and respect another as an individual and find the true common ground/relationship between them. it also doesn't help that he controls his sister even down to what clothes she wears and music she listens to. I think she allows this b/c it "means he cares"... just someone showign her that much attention. I also think that's why she allows the sex. It pleases him and currently he is her major source of esteem.
I've been wanting to talk to soemone about my thoughts and feelings here, but most people would get hung up on "he fucks his sister!" or think my feelings for him ( that have miraculously vanished) were in the way of clear vision. i don't think so.
there's a whole other story about the feeligns vanishing... he and i have known each other for lifetimes, I believe and it felt liek with this knowledge I was finally released from a "slave contract" I had with him. I had been under that man's spell for a long time. nice to be free.
i feel like I'm fianlly set free of trying to help this guy. for a long time I had some how felt it was my "responsibility" to heal him. and now I see, he is just really not open to it and he's foudn ( or maybe even created) soemone to 'care" for him in the way he chooses. can't fault a person for working to create their reality to suit their interests. I just see/feel that that reality is one i don't want to be part of. it feels diseased.
I have more opinions baout it, but I will leave that part off for now.
and as point of my own interest, I have astrally asked him...
why do you even bother with sucha false power source... sure you get a charge b/c people are scared or groossed out, but as soon as theya re not, as soon as people are eduacted [this is for folks just beign grossed of the bro/sis sex thing] your power source will no longer exist. it just seems wasteful and beneath you!
but maybe I had higher visons of him that he has for himslef. and how can I say what is a higher vison for HIM?
who knows? I'm sure I do shit adn folks are liek, "what is she doing?" spells.
and spell can bring us to our next lecture....immunity. :)