B O R E D------outta my mind!!!

Dec 20, 2005 23:38

I have been so bored today. So bored that I did some laundry, walked to TacoHell, went to Best Buy so I could play DDR, and went to McDonalds. Fuck the MTA. This is my first offical day since living out here where I have not interacted in person with ANYONE I know.
I was bored tonight so I took the time to unlock all of the posts that I had locked up from Kyle late 2004-mid2005. Now, Candra and Mike may read them if they were so inclined to. Granted they would never know what was locked up and what wasnt. I am fucking crazy. Reading the posts proved it. Hey Mike, while typing yr name in here a moment ago, I began typing Kyle. All is forgiven now from when you called me by yr ex's name.
Every now and then, i will go through the "memories" portion of my other journal. This entry was conversation that I had with someone that i was crushing on hardcore and that was crushing on me as well.
Everytime i reread it, i post it in my journal.

This was four years ago when i used my THAT RAWKS DUDE screenname more

here is a conversation i had:

THAT RAWKS DUDE: and what do you think of me?
Syx51: well, you are confused. you want something. . . but you dont want anyone to know. . .then you want to talk about it, but not be about it. . .then you are about it. . and then you are over it. . .but meanwhile, the whole time you depict yourself in a very condesending, no hope way
Syx51: yeah, you give up before you have even tried
THAT RAWKS DUDE: name a case where i have given up before i have tried
Syx51: me
THAT RAWKS DUDE: a fear of success is what i have
Syx51: you gave up on being the bigger person before you tried
THAT RAWKS DUDE: u and i would have never been, so i didnt waste your or my time
Syx51: no
Syx51: nope, you taught me to be more proud of who i am and never sell myself short. and that sometimes it is more fun to have such a crush than crush a friendship . .no matter what kind of relation it is
THAT RAWKS DUDE: how did i teach you this?
Syx51: by being you
I should have gone home for these two days off.
I cannot figure out why my "bored" icon has the dude crying. He should have a blank look on his face, not tears and a frown!!
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