Dec 19, 2005 21:37
Irony is that I am giving this livejournal screenname to Candra
when its the one i guard the most
Only Drew and Kyle have the link
I have no idea if Drew still reads
I doubt Kyle does
I am no longer relevant in their lives
It would only be fair now to allow Mike Nelson to read these entries as well
Candra and MikE are my closest friends out here
sad to say it
but its true
Happy Birthday Candra
I was proof reading most of these entires
making sure there was nothing to in depth about who I am
then I realized
why why WHY do I persist on hiding bits and pieces of who I am to my friends?
so I stopped
I will not allow them to read my more public journal
Drew, I love you
Candrakanta Newsham, I love you
Mike Nelson, I love you
Kyle, I am going to send you yr tie, could you please send me either a copy or THE mixcd I made as a going away gift
its a part of me, i want to remember those songs and emotions
my computer is dead and I have no idea what was on it
one last thing
i gave you the wrong line
my other journal is
As i said earlier in this post, i was searching old posts for anything that gave away too much information on who I am as a person
when i stumbled upon this
If you would like to scroll up, you will see where I mention how i doubt i am relevant in Drew/Kyle's life.
I saw this post from
APRIL 14 2005:
Drew made me feel great the other night by this message he left on my aim
DrewHidden: hey
DrewHidden: well so, lets get started with this pointless story im about to tell, haha, so i signed on AIM, clicked your name to open the talk window but didnt say anything for awhile, and contemplated just going to bed without saying anything to you, then i was just gonna say hey, so i did, then i sat here contemplating writing this story right now for another couple minutes, but now i think im just going to bed, but anyways i just wanted to let you know your still in my life, even though i havent seen you in ages and you dont (nor do i) update the lj anymore, but have a good one........drew
a smile spread across my face as a tear streaked down my cheek while reading this, fuck i miss you. . .and i cannot wait to come back to MI and visit