#12 - Comfort

May 08, 2008 19:09

Patient Name: Gabe Watson
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Original Character)
Word Count: 181
RP Partner: Cady Osborne grrfighter
Prompt: 12.1 - Comfort

I’m the kind of person that’s never really a hundred percent comfortable. I put on a good show but on the inside I’m always thinking, always trying to find out where the catch is. I’ve never been comfortable in my own skin. I’ve never been comfortable out of my own skin. I think too much, worry too much, whatever too much.

Cady… has never ever put any pressure on me. I’ve never been as close to peace and contentment as I get with her. Even now it’s still a struggle for me not to try to think of what I could be doing better, what someone might be wanting from me… expecting from me.

When I’m upset she comforts me. She makes me comfortable, which then scares me. Cause I know from experience that when things are at their most comfortable… that’s when the bottom falls out and everything goes to shit. I really don’t want this to go to shit. And now I’m uncomfortable again, where I should be until Cady walks into the room and we’re back to comfortable.

original character: gabe watson

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